Ch. 40

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Levs body slumped to the dirt ridden floors with an echoed thud. The sight of his body near Jon's made my stomach churn. The air surrounding us hung tight in silence as the smell of copper invaded my nostrils. Shakily I looked over each of my hands to see the blood shed that coated them. My dress was dirty and soaked with evidence of what I had done. I took in every gory detail instead of running from it, it would only make the healing process slower. But oh how badly i wanted too run. I wanted to strip from my own skin and escape into the chilled night that laid just outside these walls. I would run as far my legs would take me and then I'd push myself even further. The city lights twinkling far behind me with the chaos and sin my body remained caked in. At this point I was unsure what was louder , my own tortured thoughts or the heart beating nearly out of my chest. Although it raced entirely too fast and out of rhythm it was the only thing reminding me I was still here. I was still alive and despite the fact I just drug a man's soul from his decrepit body, I was still human.

My gaze became frantic as I searched for anything to ground me further than just my uneven vitals. I was overtaken by an intense sea of blue that probed the side of my head with enough intensity to hold my attention. Thomas studied every delicate breath I took, flickering between the rise and fall of my chest and my weary parted lips . He hadn't faltered yet. His face remained dry other than the drops of blood streaming across his cheeks and down his jawline. The sorrow I was waiting for remained pooled in the pits of his chest refusing to show. If he felt anything other than pure rage at this moment I could not see it. Only the pieces of a broken man swam across each iris and projected out of the body that stood so stiffly infront of me.

I took a deep breath preparing my words because I was honestly at a loss of what to say. But before I could form anything coherent he reached out, abruptly grabbing my jaw into his blood soaked hand. His fingers were rough against my skin as he pulled me into his face and connecting our lips with one quick tug. A Metallic taste swirled down my tongue and poured through the back of my throat. But i didn't care. I leaned into his body feeling his grip ease only slightly. Our heart beats fumbled rapidly into one bringing my anxiety to bottom out in his arms. His lips were rough and his tongue caressed mine with urgency , like he was attempting to cleanse me of what had happened.

He pulled away enough to look over the small features of my face and read my expression. Searching for anwsers that seemed to be imprinted atop my eyes.

"I do ask you to please refrain from kissing other men, Mrs. Shelby." His voice came low and husky and my skin pricked against his heated breath, "I allowed you to handle this one yourself considering the circumstances.  Next time I won't be as kind."

"Are you okay?" I blurted out completely ignoring his comment.

"Not a scratch on me. Did he hurt you?"

"No. I'm fine. Where are the others ? Didn't they help you get in here?" I looked back towards the double doors which remained wide open to the carnage that laid in the hallway. Even from here I could see the destruction caused and red streaks painting each wall.

"Emilia I saw the way he looked at you." Thomas pulled my attention back too him,"I need you to understand that you are the a limit that my enemies do not need to reach. The shattered remains are nothing compared to what I would do if he had hurt you."

I swallowed thick looking up at him through my lashes. The heat of his anger radiated even further as I could see the possibilities running through his head endlessly on a loop and I could tell they had been this entire time. His vision had finally been cleared and I don't know if Tommy even knew what he had done.

"More will come for you now." I whispered.

"Let them." He reached up softly tucking my hair behind my ear, "I will bathe in the blood of men who come near you. I will strip the skin from their bodies and hang it as a warning for the others. I would conquer armies with my bare hands if it meant you'd be safe, my Emilia."

A smile only rested against my lips for a few moments before subsiding. I turned my head to the bodies on the floor , focusing on Jon's. The blood soaked sac still fit snug on his head. A small sob escaped my lips as I pushed to go over to him.

Thomas didn't try to stop me , he just stood back watching me descend to the floor next to his younger brother.

I removed the burlap and looked over his blank lifeless expression. My fingers trembled as I gently closed his eyelids before pulling him closer too me. His head rested against my chest as I continued to cry louder and louder until my lungs ached. Each breath grew more shallow as the force of my screams became more harsh. The ground below me chilled against my legs while I rocked him back and forth silently.

"I'm so sorry, Jon." I whispered with the last ounce of strength I had left. His skin had already grown cold in my arms and I was startled by a firm grip against my shoulder.

Through broken sniffles I heard Finns voice from behind me, "Come on, Em. It's time to go home."

My lip quivered at the thought of leaving him but I nodded and let Finn pull me to my feet. I was exhausted. My eyelids grew heavier with each blink and I stumbled slightly against Finns grip. Without hesitation he bent down and picked me up, hoisting me into his embrace. His arms wrapped around me tightly as we made our way out of the warehouse.

I didn't look back , not wanting to feel the pain sharpen against my still beating heart. But before we reached the threshold I heard Tommy call out behind us , "Arthur take our brother home so we can bury him properly. I'll meet you there shortly."

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