Ch. 4

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I sipped on my morning coffee quietly looking over the backyard. The greenhouse was fogged over from the morning dew but I could still see the faint shade of green through the glass. It felt like ages since I had been able to spend time out there, but other things were far more important right now. Time drew near for Thomas to return even though he never told me when. It wasn't like him to stay gone for very long since we had gotten married. I was unsure if it was either the thought of leaving me alone or unattended that made him uneasy. For a peace of mind I like to imagine it's a bit of both . Really I gave him no reason to worry but then again I had hired someone without his permission. Someone who he was sure to hate once he realized how kind he was and how easy it would be to screw him over.

I pushed those thoughts aside because I wanted to dwell on good things for another moment. Breathing in deeply I caught a permanent smell of pine and mahogany that was embedded in the walls themselves from how long he resided here. It made my heart ache even more to think of him. The way his chest would rise and fall on early mornings, how his eyelids would creep open revealing those endless waves of blue, and how his devilish grin would send jolts of electricity seering through my back and down to my core.

Finally I made my way to the office, the morning drive as chilly as ever. Seeing the lasting frost on the windshield I began to hope Niccoli had a different way of getting to the office, because a bike ride in this weather would be absolutely miserable. The last thing I needed was my employee to get hypothermia and look to me for financial compensation. Thomas would have my head.

As I pulled up to the drive I saw that his bike was not yet here and a wash of relief fell over me. Maybe he had found a ride. But that didn't distract me for long when I saw the car infront of me.


I bolted through the doors heading straight to the back office, the door already hanging wide open. As soon as I stepped over the threshold regret settled in my bones. I suddenly wished I had worn quieter shoes so maybe I could have escaped the fate that lie before me.

Jon stood completely pale from head to toe as though he'd seen a ghost. His buldged eyes looked to me in a plea of help but I wouldn't meet his gaze. Next to him was Arthur who stood just as frightened , unable to keep himself still so he resorted to teetering back and forth. Then the worst sight was poor Finn. Sniffling on the couch like a troubled child.  Each seemingly more terrified than the last.

"I tried to calm him down for you, Em." Arthur whispered towards me but his words fell short as my attention was caught from the figure at the far wall.

A glass in hand and covered head to toe in black stood Thomas, his jaw clenched tight. I looked over his expression and was met with dark cold eyes. He had yet to take off his coat and from the slight pink tint to his skin I could tell he hadn't been here long. But it was enough time to scare the boys shitless and make Finn cry.

Honestly I would have been scared. I would have cowered behind Arthur allowing him to take the brute of the anger that would seeth from Tommy's lips. But as Finn's stained cheeks turned up to meet my eyes , nothing remained inside me but pure fury. This was not going to end well for either one of us.

"Boys leave me and my wife." Thomas commanded.

I leaned down wiping Finns tears with my shirt sleeve before placing a small kiss on his forehead for reassurance. He held tight onto me for a few seconds before Jon and Arthur led him away, closing the door behind them.

My lungs filled with air as I finally turned back to see Thomas prowling towards me. His footsteps seemingly louder as he approaches.

"What the fuck is this." He shoved one of Jon's flyers into my hands. The paper had already been crumpled so I assumed he had done the same to Jon.

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