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Since telling Polly about her miraculously alive daughter, the tension has slacked to near none. She pulled me to the side after dinner and thanked me for giving her a child even if I had taken the other away.

"I cannot find it in my hear to completely forgive you. But there is no use in making you miserable." She had said. I watched her pinpoint eyes scan over my figure before a soft smile raised to her lips, "You are glowing. But only your aura."

She left before I could question her further. Thomas left promptly after his family, saying he needed to finish some work in the city. I grew tired of waiting by the window for him to return home.

This morning I decided to stay home. We had more employees now that the company expanded and Thomas had urged me to take a few days off to rest. Not only physically but for my mental sanity or what was left of it. His worry told me that as much as I had attempted to hold myself together, I was faltering. To keep my mind busy I took to writing Niccoli another letter. As many as I had sent over the last few months I had received none in return and I wrote it off as he was still shook up by the whole situation. I couldn't blame him. After witnessing the monstrosity of death at the hands of someone you trusted, anyone would grow fearful.

I never mentioned it in my letters and I only apologized in the very first one I sent.

"Are you busy?" Finns voice rang from the doorway of the dining area I was seated in.

I sat my pen down,  pressing a smile towards his direction "No. What can I do for you ?"

"I've been working with Simon and some of his men. Lately Thomas has become outraged anytime I try to go to the warehouse. Twice I've had to sneak out." He shrugged, "Do you know why he suddenly changed his attitude?"

"I'm not sure." I couldn't remember a single conversation where Tommy had mentioned anything about it. The only time we spoke about it was the first week that Finn had attended meetings. His job was simple, teaching the others everything he knew about explosives and his communication technology. He put more effort into this then I saw him put into anything and that includes his damned card games.

"Maybe he was told something we haven't been." I offered.

"He could just tell me. I hate how he trys to take on the world." His voice dropped slightly, "How he trys to play God."

"Thomas has crafted a world from dirt,  sacrificed himself and brought work to many. In this game he believes he has to control everything in order to keep us safe."

"He doesnt." Finn sighed before leaning against the archway, "He's just like any other man. Only a bigger reputation and a bigger ego."

I couldn't help but giggle at Finns words which seemed to lighten the mood. Despite his attempts to suppress it, a smile still surfaced on his lips.

"You are wise beyond your years."

"I have half a sense to tell him he's full of himself." He said.

"You would not be the first nor the last."

"He listens to you , Em. Talk to him about whats going on. Please ?"

"I will ask but I cannot promise he will tell me."

"Thank you for trying" He nodded before turning and walking off.


I sat around the living room with my head in a book before I heard the soft click of the front door. Thomas's footsteps echoed off the mahogany baseboards as he drew near.

"Evening" He announced as he emerged beside the hearth.

"Yeah it is, isn't it?" I mocked giving him a sly grin.

He rolled his eyes as he stepped towards the whiskey bottle on the side table, "Don't you start too. I've had to deal with him all day."

Laughter bloomed from my chest as he wished the brown liquid straight from the bottle.

"Where were you today?" I questioned.

"A new automobile warehouse. Looking at going in with Alfie."

"And that's a good idea?"

"Absolutely not." He chuckled taking another sip. A stray droplet ran down the side of his neck soaking into his shirt collar.

"I'm sure you have your reasons then." I sat up turning to where he stood and fully took in his stature. His shirt was slightly wrinkled, no doubt from sitting for hours at a meeting table. He had already stripped his jacket and leaned against the mantle.

"Finn was home today. I thought he was supposed to be with Simon working on our contract." I said.

He sighed deep before rubbing the side of his head with his free hand. His chest was already beginning to heave with anticipation and flooding impatience.

"He put you up to this?"

"I'm stating what I saw. Thought I would ask you to make sure he was doing okay." Lies.

"He has no business in that warehouse."

"Yes, he does actually. A whole contract. You don't think so?"

Thomas hesitated before shaking his head. The darkness residing in his eyes began to grow as his jaw clamped shut. The silence followed as it always had when Thomas made up his mind. He didn't speak in arguments because he knew it would only make time move slower when he had already deemed himself the winner. It worked on most everyone else but me and that was one thing Thomas absolutely hated.

He fought against it so hard because it was one of the only puzzles left unsolved. Like his authority piece had no place to fit.

"Well just as you have decided he isn't going, I have decided he is. No use in us arguing."

"No" He spat allowing the edges of his anger to lash out , "You don't make decisions like this."

"Give me a good reason why he cant."

"Its dangerous."

"Dangerous?" I laughed at his remarks as I crossed my arms over my chest, "He's your brother. That is dangerous enough."

"Not like this, Emilia.  You do not tempt fate."

"You are scared because of the vision?"

"And you are not?" He half chuckled, "A deal I made was so earth shattering the the powers that be deemed it worthy to show you?"

"Then I'll go back and look again . See what can be changed."

"No, it doesn't work like that. You would see the same events with no anwsers."

My hands shook at my sides as I watched him remove the cigarette holster from his breast pocket. He shoved one of the narrow white sticks between his lips before lighting it. Smoke billowed over the room caking both of us in its path.

"What if it's you? What if you die?' I asked through rugged breaths.

"There is policy and paperwork in place if that were too happen."

"What about me?" My voice sounded so small I was unsure it was me who said it. It seemed to startle Thomas just as much because he paused long enough to place himself between me and the table I was sitting at. His hand cupped my cheek lightly. His expression softened but only for a moment.

"You cannot protect him forever, Thomas. Holding him here because you are scared of something that might not even happen."

"What happened to you?" He cut in, "you used to fight me tooth and nail to allow him to remain a child. What changed?"

My nostrils flared slightly as I huffed a breath unable to anwser. All I could muster was shaking my head before turning away from him, breaking his touch from my face.

"Come to my office when you have anwsers. We have paperwork to do anyways." He said before I heard his footsteps descend down the hall , leaving me in utter silence.

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