Ch. 38

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[[Thomas POV]]

The gunshot rang through my ears almost as loud as the explosives did back in those damned tunnels. This time it wasn't as dark, but I still felt trapped. I squeezed against the ropes around my wrists as I watched Jon's lifeless body thud against the ground. Emilia's screams still flooded the building as she became more hysterical. I pulled my eyes away from Jon to look over at her. Finn stood firm, his one arm still holding tight to her waist to keep her from pulling away, but he finally removed his other hand from her eyes allowing her to see the aftermath. Part of me wishes he hadn't. Part of me wishes I could have kept her eyes covered and carried her out of here. But there was no way I could move without Lev killing more of them.

Finn pulled Emilia in tight to his chest allowing her to sob against him. His face was pale, blank, and emotionless. Almost like he didn't even remember who he was. He held her head gently, the rope still dangling from his wrist. Somehow he had managed to break free. I was so grateful.

"Boys, take Mr. Shelby and his brothers out back for some fresh air. Emilia and I still have things to discuss." Lev cut in.

My head snapped towards him and I felt the anger begin to boil once again.
"He's dead, what else do you want?" I asked in more of a statement than a question.
Lev  ignored me , motioning for his men to take us away. Finn hugged Emilia one last time before being pulled away by one of the guys. They pushed us quickly trying to trip us up, but we shuffled out fast enough to keep from falling. I kept my back to the door and walked backwards to try and see Emilia. Her face was soaked in tears and it burned bright red from how hard she had cried. I looked past her lashes trying to get a glimpse of if she was still here. Was she holding up ? Could she put up a fight?
She had to try. She had to hold him off until I could get back in there.

Just as the door was closing I watched her take a deep breath and peer back at me. Her lips moved but I knew she made no sound. Just a small message to only me.

He's mine.

The door clicked shut behind us and I felt the dry wind lapping at my back . It wasn't until now that I realized I was soaked in sweat. My button up shirt clung to my skin in damp clumps over my body. I turned to look at my brothers, each bruised and heartbroken. Arthur's eyes were red and swollen from fighting tears. He leaned against the brick and placed his head in his hands trying to conceal his crying. Finn placed a hand on his shoulder but his face remained unwaivered . He barely blinked. I started to see how much he had grown. He wasn't the same toddler I used to scream at in the hallway. He was a man.

"What does he want with Emilia?" Finn asked under his breath.

"I'm not sure." I answered even though we both had assumptions. There was a million possibilities and all of them ended with Lev's head on a pike once I got my hands on him.

Finn must have been thinking the same thing because his eyes darkened. He crossed his arms across his chest trying not to make eye contact as if I could read his thoughts. As loud as they were, he was right.

"So what's the deal, ay?" One of the men spoke around the cigar in his mouth, "You all banging her ? Why is everyone so obsessed with the bitch?"

I remained silent, starring out into the dark field beside us. Finn moved back and forth on his feet trying to drown them out but it wasn't working. I could hear his breathing start to pick up.

"I mean aren't you a little young? Or is that how she likes it?" He spoke again before laughing with his buddy. They shared glances as if taunting Finn.

"She is like my mother, you bastards." Finn seethed, "I'll put you both in the fucking grave if you don't shut the hell up!"

"Ay watch it, kid. We ain't gotta keep you alive. You wouldn't want your brother to die for nothing."

My fuse was burning short. I could feel the rage I tried so desperately to bottle start simmering at my fingertips like a pot set up too boil. With every snide remark it was pushing me closer and closer to breaking.

I saw Jon's body laying on the cold stones.

I saw Emilia's swollen eyes as she screamed for his life.

I saw the same baby boy from the vision looking up at me with a trust in his eyes that only a child could hold.

And I broke.

My vision blurred and grew darker and darker until the only thing clouding my sight was a bright gleaming red.

It was hot and it poured down each wrist saturating my shirt sleeves.

It grew further and further until I was caked in it. I was bathed in it, until my body was consumed in the fire and flesh. I didn't slow , even with the loud cracking of bones which echoed off the alleyway walls. My stride only grew stronger and the cool metal door handle did nothing but fuel me further.

I was weaponless but I was blinded by pure rage.

Arthur and Finn's voice yelled after me but I couldn't hear what they said. It wouldn't matter either way. I pushed forward until my face now dripped with the essence of my anger. Gun shots sounded off around me but the red haze only strengthened in my muscles and coated every inch of my skin.

There was only one pure unfiltered thought that stood silent in my brain.

A beautiful figure graced in the softest words ever spoken and held in the highest degree of my mind.

My Emilia.

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