Ch. 25

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My mind began to wonder as I sat next to the warmed window pane. Coffee swirled over my tongue while I sipped and watched the morning birds peck in the front lawn. Even the gold rays of sun seemed to bring a much needed peace to the Shelby Manor. Our mysterious house guest was still lurking in the study, apparently she was tasked with writing for the local paper. Thomas assured it would be good to have someone from the press in his back pocket. I was just happy she wasn't working along side us. Despite his repeated attempts to convince me she was nothing more than someone who needed help , I still didn't fully trust her. Late at night she would roam the house looking over old photographs and memorabilia Tommy had hung in the foyer. Sometimes she would dig through the book shelves before staying up till daylight flipping through pages and pages of history. It all seemed innocent enough. Just that I found it odd she was so infatuated with one of the most notorious families in Birmingham and my husband.

Finn had started back to school finally after weeks of begging him too return to classes. He told me multiple times it was useless and that he knew more than his teachers did. I didn't doubt that in the slightest given his talents he had proved time and time again. Every report card he had brought home was impressive and he had reached a point where his grades couldn't improve any further.

Thomas boasted it ran in the family, I think it just ran in Finn.

My thoughts were brought to a halt when footsteps approached from the back door. I could tell from the cadence it wasn't Thomas. The nights I spent hiding in my office cupboard proved useful for times like these.

It was Jon and he was doused in a heavy sweat as if he had walked miles to get here. His coat laid over his arm and dress shirt undone at the top. His chest heaved ruggedly with each breath he sucked in.

"Come on we've got buisness to attend too." He spoke.

"Where have you been? Why are you all sweaty?" I raised an eyebrow over at him.

"That's not important. What's important is you have been summoned by Madame Vadoma."

"Who is that?"

"Some of Esme's family . An elder who has the gift. If she asks for you it must be important." That's all he offered before he was pushing me to the door and urging us both forward.

Once we made it to the driveway I realized why he was so sweaty, he had infact walked all this way. His car was nowhere in sight and it with the morning sun beating down it was getting very hot outside. I was already breaking a sweat before we reached the mailbox. Every question I asked he ignored , insisting I ask her once we reached the camp. He wouldn't even tell me how this woman knew who I was.

What could a visionary want with me ? I had never met someone with "the gift" other than Polly. She would read my tea leaves and tell me of the spirits that lingered near but it was usually suppressed by the pills Thomas forced her too take. She said she was gifted and he thinks she's crazy. With this knowledge I knew that Jon hadn't spoke with Thomas before retrieving me because he would have put a stop too it immediately.

Once we cleared the hill after about thirty minutes of walking, I could see various trailers and tents settled near the river. Men smoked and drank next to fire pits while women tended to children nearby. The smoke hung above quickly dissipated into the clouds so it wasn't shocking that their camp was so well hidden. Other than the music and chatter, you would never know a whole caravan of people lived near the wood line .

Jon grabbed my hand and led me through the bustling crowd making sure I didn't get stopped by any of them. Some of them tried but he only moved faster to avoid them. Soon we reached the back where a rusted maroon trailer sat with two large doors wide open. Inside mimicked the look of a room, except with fabrics and tapestry hanging from each crevice in the ceiling. Incense filled my lungs as I was pulled inside the smoke tanged with citrus and vanilla. It was somewhat soothing despite the stuffy air that surrounded me.

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