Will I Do The Later Seasons Of Supernatural?

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(Spoilers for Supernatural, you have been warned!)

So I've had many questions about my Supernatural book, mainly am I gonna do the later seasons? Seasons 6-15. I normally say no, I'm only doing Season 1-5. The reason for that is that is when the show was really good and they had a coherent story and you could tell they knew what story they wanted to tell. And the way Season 5 ended was the perfect way to end the show...minus the ending shot of Sam looking through the window at Dean, Lisa and Ben.

After that I felt the show went downhill and they just didn't know what to do. Like they just threw crap at the wall and see if it stuck. I'm still shocked that it lasted 15 seasons.

I hated how the boys and Cas kept dying and for some reason come back a few episodes later, I didn't like the retcons they did to the established lore from the early seasons, I also got annoyed how Sam and Dean kept hiding things from each other and the other would find out, fight then leave for an episode or two. It also felt like the boys weren't getting developed all that much, they kinda stayed the same. Or they had the boys do out of character things, like when Dean went to Purgatory and Sam didn't really do anything to go find him and got guilted into taking care of a dog that wasn't his by this bitch of a vet. Or how Dean let an angel posses Sam without telling him. Or how sometimes they made Dean a complete asshole, and I'm a Dean Girl saying that.

The show also seemed like it didn't know what to do with Castiel, he could be all powerful one moment but then, by convenience of the plot, he lost his powers in some dumb contrived way. 

I didn't like that the boys didn't do anything to get their other brother, Adam, out. Like he was mostly forgotten about and then in the episode called Fan Fiction, he was finally mentioned and Dean and Sam have this oh shit face but then it is never brought up again. I believe he does eventually come back but he is like killed sometime after that if I remember correctly, I don't really know I stopped watching the show at around Season 12.

I hated the wasted potential of Demon Dean and Michael-Dean, as those are very interesting ideas. But Demon Dean only lasted like 3 episodes and I believe, from what my friend Slinky told me, Michael possessing Dean story didn't last very long either.

I really didn't like the Purgatory and Leviathan storylines.

I also don't like that they made Chuck God. I always thought that was a stupid idea. It felt like they just pulled it out of their ass...or they saw all the fan theories and they were like "oh yeah, that sounds good" and then tried patting the fans on the back saying "Look! You guys were right all along! We definitely planned this." I also wasn't crazy about the idea that the show made God into the villain in the final season, that seemed out of nowhere.

I really don't care for Jack, who is Lucifer's son, or the idea of him. That felt like they needed to add a character to keep the ratings up. And I absolutely loathed that they brought Mary back, like they negated the reason Sam and Dean became hunters. Oh, and how they brought Gabriel back...only for him to die a few episodes later was so stupid.

Anyway, that's just most of the negative things from the top of my head. But there were some good things in the later seasons I did like. I thought the whole closing the gates of Heaven and Hell was interesting as well as the Fallen angels. I also liked the episode where Dean loses his memory.
I like Charlie and Garth, I thought they were great characters.

I really liked the Mark of Cain story but I really wish that got expanded upon and when Dean died and came back as a demon is such a cool and badass idea. I also liked the episode where Sam and Dean are sent to an alternate universe where they are Jensen and Jared and the episode where they go to the wild west.

I also liked Benny, the vampire Dean meets in Purgatory, I really wish he stuck around alot longer than he did.

I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of right now.

Now I say all of this because I just want people to understand why I'm not a huge fan of the later seasons of the show.
But lately, I have thought about doing my own version of the later seasons but just cleaning it up a bit. I won't do all of them, just pick some of the ones that make sense and fix it up and would be a good continuation of my fic.

And I'll share some ideas I've had for the continuation of it:

I wouldn't do the Purgatory and Leviathan story.

I would try and explore more of the Mark of Cain story. And my idea for this one would be that (y/n) would get the Mark, not Dean. And I'd make her into bit of the villain and a bit more ruthless and scary.

I'd also would build up the Men of Letters as I felt they came out of nowhere and also something the writers pulled out of their ass.

I've even thought that Ben, Lisa's son, and Peyton, Elijah's daughter, would come in and become hunters and get advice from Dean and (y/n). (For those who don't remember Elijah's is (y/n)'s ex-boyfriend).

As sad as this sounds, I wouldn't bring Sam back. It's not that I hate Sam, I just think bringing him back after the sacrifice he made in Season 5 was cheap. And it just erases the consequences of what the boys do. So basically (y/n) would take Sam's place.

I would not bring God into the story at all, just continue to be absent. Maybe make Chuck into somebody else, maybe an angel or something.

I'm also not sure if I'd bring in Amara in as I thought it was odd to make up a character to be God's sister.

Probably won't bring Jack into my story as well.

I'm on the fence about Mary, even though I didn't like that they brought her back, I remember Slinky telling me that she isn't that great of a character and she does some pretty bad things and makes bad decisions. So like, a part of me wants to bring her back but fix up her character.

Michael possessing Dean would also last a bit longer.

That's the ideas I got off of the top of my head right now but that's kinda the gist of what I'd do. I'm still kinda on the fence if I'd do this or not but who knows, it could happen.

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