Review/Thoughts on The Grinch

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So I know I'm a little late to this or really early to write this but I didn't get a chance to watch this when it came out to theaters. I was scrolling through Netflix on the way to see Far From Home and I saw that they had this movie on it's site

So I was like why not? I like the story of How The Grinch Stole Christmas and this is a different interpretation of it. Plus my favorite actor, Benedict Cumberbatch, is the voice for the Grinch let's see how it is.
And honestly, I might get hate for this but.....I kinda liked it. Don't get me wrong the Chuck Jones cartoon is still the best interpretation of the story but I would say this one is still good.

I know when this movie was announced and the first trailer was shown the internet had a conniption over it, saying this one will be garbage and the Jim Carey one is the better one and the normal stuff the internet says. Honestly, I was opened to the new interpretation and the animation looked beautiful so I was like whenever I can I'll watch it.

Now my thoughts on the Jim Carey version of the Grinch, well I was about 9 or 10 years when it first came out so of course I loved it. Then I got older and I saw that some of the jokes are not as funny and the Who's are all assholes and competitive the love triangle thing with the Mayor, Martha May and The Grinch is really kinda dumb and unnecessary in all honesty....but damn it Jim Carey is so freaking entertaining as the Grinch. He's so cartoony, which is helpful because of Carey's energy.


Taxi drives by him.

"It's because I'm green, isn't it?"

Funniest joke in the movie.

I also didn't realize how much adult humor was in this kids movie.

But the movie is now consider a guilty pleasure of mine that I'll watch around the holiday season when I get the chance to watch it.

And this one... would be considered the same, although I think there's some aspects done better in this one than the Jim Carey one and vice versa. I would buy the DVD and watch it during the holidays.

First off, I'll give Illumination this...the movie looks gorgeous! It's colorful and it looks very Suess like. And it put me in the Christmas spirit and it's July (the time I'm writing this). Cindy Lou is adorable, I think a little more than the live action movie version. Although I think her side of the story could've been cut down some cuz it seems almost every scene she has, she repeats the same thing over and over with some changed up dialogue. But what she wants to do is very sweet.

I also love Max, he kinda reminds me of my dog and my sister's dog. That dog is a pretty strong dog and a very hardworking one too.
The Grinch I feel is fine. I think he's backstory is a little bit better than the Jim Carey movie. I see they are going for the sympathetic side which I find a little weird cuz I'm used to a very mean and grumpy Grinch. I mean he is grumpy but it's more like he's a troll.

Also, I never would've thought I could relate to the Grinch when he mentions that he emotionally eats food. Which that hit me, I was like Oh that is relatable. And then at the end when he goes over to Cindy Lou's house for Christmas dinner, he has social anxiety which is also relatable. That scene felt so real!

But the criticism I have with the Grinch is....his voice. Don't get me wrong, I love Benedict Cumberbatch as much as the next person but...I think he should've gone with a different voice or his normal voice would've worked as well. His Grinch voice sounds like a higher pitch version of his Doctor Strange voice. 

Fred the fat reindeer was fine, I was afraid he was gonna overstay his welcome but he didn't. He was kinda cute.

But my biggest criticism is the stealing Christmas section of the movie. I wish it was longer cuz that was the most creative and cool way to take the Christmas decorations. I mean it is like the big part of the story. I also wish that they pulled more dialogue from the book than they did.

And I'm probably gonna get hate for this as well but that Grinch rap song with Tyler the Creator, who I do not know as I'm someone who doesn't listen to rap music, I really hate that song. I want to know what happened to the jazz version of You're a Mean One, Mr Grinch that was in the first trailer as that was a better version and was better fitting. But whatever.

Other than that, I really liked this movie and I'll probably watch this every Christmas. What did you guys think of this movie? Let me down below in the comments!

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