My 1st Q&A

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So I decided since 2019 is almost over, I thought it would be a cool idea to do a Q&A so that you guys can get to know me better! I asked you guys the other day to send me questions and here is the collections of the questions you guys asked.

1. What got you into writing?

This question was very popular!

A part of me has always liked writing, mainly because of JK Rowling as I love Harry Potter and I loved how detailed she got within her story. But I was self-conciousnes, actually I still am, about my writing. I did write some fan fics of Danny Phantom when it was still on TV but it was for my eyes only type of thing lol.

It wasn't til I read some reader insert stories on the internet that I kinda felt like I could write those, there was even some fan fics I really got into but they weren't completed. The one that really got me into wanting to write a fan fic was The Abominable Bride from BBC Sherlock. 

I was gonna write one but then got nervous about how to portray the characters and the Reader insert character, so I went with doing the Ultimate Enemy from Danny Phantom cause I felt that was a bit easier. So I did that, published it and I got a lot of positive feedback on it. So I finished that story then went and did the Sherlock series and the rest, as they say, is history.

2. What genre do you enjoy reading and writing and why?

I like to read fantasy or mystery thrillers. And I usually like to write things that I'm a fan of but I don't mind reading request and maybe that might get into watching something new. The only thing I won't write about is anything that's anime as I'm not a fan of anime and I don't think I'd be the right person to write something I'm not a fan of.

3. What's your favorite Movie and TV Series and why?

Oh God, that's a very hard question. I love a lot of movies but the TV show I love is definitely the BBC Sherlock show, yes even the 4th season. I just love the characters and I love the storylines in the show, the mysteries I enjoyed too, and I know people complained about Season 4 but I don't care, I personally enjoyed it even though I do admit there are some problems with it especially the finale.

As for movie....God, I have too many to choose. I'll list the ones I can think of from the top of my head:

The Harry Potter Series

The Back to the Future trilogy 

The John Wick series

Shawshank Redemption 

The Imitation Game

Home Alone 1 & 2

The Santa Clause

Most of the MCU Movies

Spider-Man 1 & 2


The Fantastic Beasts movies

And I'm sure there's more but that's the only ones I can think of right now lol.

4. Are going to do your best to update your Supernatural (Dean x reader)?

Yes, I'm gonna a get back into updating Supernatural. I was so busy, at the time, finishing Life is Strange 2 and John Wick 3 that I wanted those done quicker just so I can go back to writing Supernatural.

And for those wondering when Dean and (y/n) are gonna get together, it's gonna be awhile but they will get together. I'm just building up their relationship right now and have them spend some time together and flirt/kinda pick on each other for now. 

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