Thoughts on Secrets Of Dumbledore

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I am so sorry for taking so long to put up my thoughts. Life has been crazy and I was hoping to get a chance to see the movie again but like I said things have been crazy.
So I'm gonna do a kinda quick thoughts on the movie while also making some announcements as I keep getting people asking me on some stories.

All in all, I will say this movie is, to me, the best of the Fantastic Beasts movies. Is it perfect? No, but to me it is. And I don't think I'm gonna spoil anything even though the movie has been out a week but there might still be some people who haven't seen it.

I still love Newt and Jacob. But I also really like Hicks, who is the Ilvermorny professor. She was very interesting and I love the pairing with her and Jacob. 

Jude Law still kills it as Dumbledore and he has quickly became my favorite actor to play Dumbledore, and this is from someone who loved Richard Harris' version.

Mads Mikkelsen was a great Grindelwald and I honestly bought his performance. And I wish he was casted in the first place. And, with his version, I believed he and Dumbledore would've been a couple. Depp's version...even though I didn't mind it and thought he did good with what he did, I just felt his look was a bit over the top.

Take one look at this dude and you could tell that he was evil. Whereas with Mads' version, I guess you could say he was more subtle with his looks and I bought the relationship between him and Dumbledore better.

We also had some great beasts to see including one very important one that becomes essential to the plot. Although, I will say...young kids might not like the beginning of the movie cause there is a very fucked up scene that happens to this beast. I'm not gonna spoil it but if you have know what I'm talking about.

We also, finally, find out who Credence is and I really liked it cause it made sense. I know alot of people were hoping for this theory that the Obscurus in Credence was actually Ariana's, Dumbledore's little sister, and it somehow attached to him (which was made popular by these Youtubers called SuperCarlinBrothers) but I'm sorry, I felt that was a dumb theory. Cause, if I'm not mistaken, doesn't the Obscurus died with the host, unless you extract it from the host as Newt did with the 8 year old girl he mentioned in the first movie?

So that whole theory didn't make sense to me.

The action sequences where great and the way they were choreographed was excellent.

Now, something I will critique is the Queenie storyline in the movie. I felt it wasn't developed well and was kinda rushed, especially at the end. I also felt that Karma, who was in the last movie, was kinda wasted as he doesn't do much.

Also just to let people know, Tina is not in the movie very much. She's only in it at the end and they do give an explanation why she isn't in it while in real life the actress got Covid during filming, at least that's what I had heard.

I also wish they explain where Nagini is and what happened to her as she is gone.
I'm sure there is more things I could critique but I've only seen this movie once and haven't had the chance to go see it again yet so I don't remember them lol.

All in all, I felt there was alot more good in the movie than bad and I think if you are a Harry Potter fan, I think you should give this movie a chance. I know this movie has been bamboozled with controversy, from Johnny Depp's firing to JK Rowling's comments about transgenders to now with Ezra Miller getting arrested alot for assaulting people everyone is kinda avoiding this movie.

I just think that's unfair to the movie. 
I was alittle sad Depp was fired from the part what with the whole thing with his ex-wife. But like I said, I think Mads was a better fit for the character.

Ezra Miller well I never really thought he was a great actor, he was okay. He seems like a nice guy but apparently he needs help, either get his anger check or stay away from the booze as it seems its always involved when he assaults someone.

And JK....God that is a land mine I really don't want to get involved in.

But I will say this:

Regardless how you feel about Rowling, whether you agree with her or not about what she said, I would hope that we can all agree that calling her nasty names and sending her death threats and hoping things like her house blows up or making a song about killing her and burying her body (yes, that did happen) is a very vile and scummy thing to do. And I would say is even WORSE than anything she ever said.

Anyway that's my two cents on that.

Now to some announcements:

Yes I will do a Secrets of Dumbledore story not sure when. I had hoped that the screenplay for this movie would've published when the movie came out, just like the first two movies did, but it ain't coming out til July. And I have a feeling the movie will already be out on DVD, although there are rumors that it'll be on HBO Max later next month. 

So it will happen but it will be sometime.

For the Doctor Strange x Reader No Way Home version, I'm waiting until after I've seen Multiverse of Madness and see where that movie goes. So that is coming but again it will be awhile.

I also want to say this, I keep getting request for stories on anime and I'm putting this out there: I don't like Anime and I never watched it. I also have never watched The Maze Runner as 1) it didn't really look interesting to me and 2) it kinda looked like a Hunger Games rip-off.

I also get alot of request for Loki, Thor and Black Panther fan fics and I don't think I'm gonna do those. Sorry to disappoint.

Anyway, so what did you guys think of the movie? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Let me know! And please let's keep it civil!

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