Thoughts on Spider-Man Far From Home

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So these are my initial thoughts and review on Far From Home and then I'll talk spoilers later on. Don't worry, I'll put up a spoiler warning when I get into that. That being said let's all talk about our favorite web-head.

Holy frick, was this movie good! I think I like this more than Homecoming. Man, I'm gonna have to update my favorite Marvel movies now. That might be the next thing I talk about. 

Also, why can't I find a guy like Peter? He's so frickin sweet and dorky. What he tries to do to get with MJ was just so sweet. Speaking of MJ, I actually really liked her in this movie. She's giving more to do besides being the random sarcastic girl that just pops up, randomly. I also liked their relationship, it was cute. Kinda feel bad I have to push her to the side to let the Reader to shine. Still have to find a way around her finding out about Peter's and Reader's secret identity.

Ned is still hilarious, especially now that he got a girlfriend, who is MJ's friend. And they way they act is pretty accurate on how teenagers act when they're in love.
I also like that they explained the Snap, or what they called the Blip, that was pretty hilarious and how I expected them to explain it. 

And then they did a good job with that character! He's always been one of those villians I couldn't see in live action cause I figured he'd be too dumb looking but they pulled it off in this movie. Jake Gyllenhaal did really good with that character.

This movie at fird felt like a teen comedy movie but the next half, the moment Peter meets Mysterio is when it gets better.

Okay so let's talk about spoilers since this movie is pretty hard to talk about without going into spoilers. So....




So, already this movie made me sad cuz they bring up Iron Man, I'm still not over his death. They explain the whole Snap/Blip thing and it's also been 8 months since Tony's death.

So Peter's school is going on some science trip to Europe and  the whole time Pete's trying to get close to MJ but things keep getting in the way, especially this one guy whose name I can't remember. I've already got ideas for that lol.

And during the trip, a giant water monster comes in to attack this town in Italy and that's where Peter meets Mysterio. Then Fury comes in and wants Peter to join in a job with Mysterio but of course Peter doesn't want anything to do with it but Fury forces him. So Peter helps out a couple of times and receives these glasses called Edith from Tony, which is basically Google Glass.
So, after helping Mysterio and Fury a few times, Peter gets the idea to give Edith to Mysterio cause he thought he would be the perfect fit to be the next Tony Stark.
Big mistake!

Just like I figured Mysterio is the bad guy and what he said about him being good guy and from another earth was all a lie. Turns out that he and a group of other tech people used to work for Stark and wanted that Edith tech. But once they found out about Peter inheriting it, they decided to make a plan to get it out of his hands, which was easy.

So everything that was going on was a hologram projection from these cameras, I believe, they had and now with Edith they can control drones and make them even bigger. 

Peter find out about when MJ brings up a piece of the projection and it plays a scenario of the battle. Mysterio find out that they know when one of his goons admits they are missing a piece so of course he wants to hunt down Peter and kill his friends.

Peter tries to find Fury but Mysterio stops him by making Peter seeing these illusions. I mean Zombie Iron Man was freaking creepy, I'm gonna have fun with that part when I do my fan fic. Anyway, Mysterio makes Peter back up to a train track right when a train hits him.

Peter is taking to Netherlands and calls Happy to help him. Happy comes in and then they go to London, because that's where the kids are at Thanks to Flash and him livestreaming. Peter makes a new suit, the red and black one.

"I love Led Zeppelin!"


So he goes to London and tries to take out the drones while Happy gets Ned, MJ, Flash and MJ's friend and they run away from drones. The fight sequences in this movie are really great. I especially like the scene with Spider-Man and his Spider-Sense, or Peter Tingle as May calls it, that scene was soooooo cool!

So, Peter gets Edith back, calls off the drones and Mysterio dies from a gunshot wound he got from one of the drones while they were firing at Pete.

So Peter goes home, gets with MJ, Ned and his girlfriend break up, we're still not for sure if May or Happy are a thing, at least I'm not for sure. ...everything is good!
Then the first credit scene comes up and Mysterio had recorded a message and one of the surviving members of his friend send it to the Daily Bugle. And thank God they got J.K. Simmons back as J. Jonah Jameson! Fantastic.

Anyway, Mysterio reveals Peter's identity to the whole world which was freaking crazy!
Then the second credit scene is....confusing and odd. It seems that Fury has been working with the Skrulls? Idk how long. I'm gonna guess after the events of Endgame but I'm not sure. I mean two Skurlls had been impersonating Hill and Fury thought the whole movie and like I said idk if they've been impersonating them for a long time or if this is recently.

I'm also thinking they're gonna do the Skrull Invasion story as the next big event for the Avengers to fight. But I could be wrong.

All in all, I enjoyed this movie and I might go see it again a few times. I like it better than Homecoming, the fight sequences were great, Jake Gyllenhaal was great as Mysterio and Tom Holland was fantastic as Spider-Man.

Anyway that's my review or thoughts on Spider-Man Far From Home! If there's anything I forgot about from the movie, you guys can let me know down and the comments and also let me know what you guys thought or what was your favorite part?

I meant to put this up earlier but I got distracted.

And by distracted, I mean I binged watched the whole Season 3 of Stranger Things. P.S. that was great too!

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