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"Really?" Chapter One: Give Me Strength 03x03: Scared to Death

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Chapter One: Give Me Strength
03x03: Scared to Death

*Trigger warning*

Eden was going through the motions trying to figure out life. Reid was doing a lot better and then he wasnt now he was sad. Because Gideon left and the team was kinda falling apart and everything seems to be going to shit but hey at least the people who were still here were together Life is a fickle friend with severe mommy issues and not enough time.

"Gideon left everything Except the photographs." Garcia was cleaning out Gideon's office.

"He always said those Were like his family," Reid mumbles as everyone looks at him with concern.

"What should we do With all of this?" Garcia asks as everyone sighs. Eden goes to the coffee machine waiting her turn Emily was waiting behind Derek.

"How was your date?" Emily turns to Eden.

"It was awful, I am never doing that again."

The line moves up and now Derek was at the coffee machine. "What even happened?" Emily asks as Derek pours his coffee before stepping to the side, he sips from his mug adjusting the milk and cream ratio while eavesdropping in on their conversation.

"My ex showed up instead, and threatened to cut his little friend off." Eden was now at the coffee pot pouring some into her mug. While Emily is stirring sugar into hers.

"How did your ex find you?"

Eden pours some sugar into her mug. "He found my dating profile and figured out where my date was."

"Yikes, I am sorry,"

"Joshua is the worst kind of human and I can't seem to get rid of him." Eden leans back against the counter.

"Yeah from the stories you told he doesn't seem like the best," Emily pats her on the back. "For what it's worth I have dated worse." Emily goes to her desk as Eden leans back against the counter it was now just her and Derek.

"You didn't mention you had a crazy ex."

She shrugs, "It's not a big deal I can handle Joshua."

"But what if you can't, I mean from what it sounds like he's stalking you."

"That's just typical Joshua's behavior I am fine he's harmless." Eden sips her coffee pushing herself up off the counter. "Thanks for looking out though" she smiles at him as JJ is calling everyone into the round table room. Derek sips his coffee thinking for a moment.

"Ok, we have 4 victims In Oregon." JJ starts she was hanging out the files.

"I got this." Hotch stands up taking the remote from JJ. "I know that We've all been wondering What this was all about. And, uh You know I've known Jason For many years, And I can tell you I have no idea. But it doesn't even matter. What matters is we're here, And we're going to continue. Portland field office Uncovered a mass grave With 3 bodies, Killed 6 months ago.

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