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* 14 days before Lacey's disappearance*

Messiah: Listen, Lacey I'm sorry okay?

M: I wish I could re do it. I really do.

M: Let me see you again.

M: Don't ignore me. I'm actually a really decent guy.

M: You have your read receipts on. I know you're reading these.

M: We can meet up and I'll tell you I'm sorry and I'll buy you another drink and we can act like the first night, it never happened right?

Lacey: Oh you just told me you're sorry.

L: You had no right to scream at me at the bar like I was a child. You're a fucking nut case.

L: Go away before I block you.

M: Come on Lacey.

M: There has to be something for me to do. I was just upset.

L: Upset? Seriously? Cause I wouldn't let you feel me up in a bar on the first date within 2 hours of knowing you. We. Just. Met. You just wanted to fuck.

M: You don't know me, you know nothing about me.

L: I do know you Messiah. You're a single 29 year old man who shows up to bars and feels up younger woman and then gets them to drunk to take advantage of them later in the night.

M: I was trying to be a gentlemen, you literally don't know me.

L: Do you know what a gentleman is? I believe you were being quite the opposite.

L: I'm not doing this Messiah. It's over and it will never be anything at all.

M: Let's re do it.

M: Come on Lacey, you have the prettiest blue eyes and your skin is so soft and clear.

M: One more time.

M: Please Lacey.

M: Make my dreams come true.

L: You're fucking kidding me right?

L: Stop texting me!

*11 days before Lacey's disappearance*

M: Heyyyyyy

M: I feel so horrible about everything. Let's talk.

*10 days before Lacey's disappearance*

M: I had a dream about you. I want to tell you.

M: please, I miss your pretty face and your curvy sexy body.

*8 days before Lacey's disappearance*

M: The fact you're ignoring me is quite upsetting I'll be honest with you.

M: I know it makes you happy, you turned your read receipts off, I know you're reading these you hate having the little red icon above your messages when you have an unread one.

*6 days before Lacey's disappearance*

M: I'll do anything!

L: Seriously dude? What the fuck?

M: I'll do anything like I said.

L: You can fuck off and stop sending me multiple messages every other day, it's pissing me off.

L: I will block you.

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