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*62 Days Ago*

Mom: Hey Lace, just wanted to check in with you, how's the big city life?

Lacey: it's great, how are you doing?

M: I'm improving, just watching some house hunters with your sister. I just saw your recent modeling shoot, you are so pretty love.

L: That was just a cheap session, but thanks mom.

M: You're my superstar in the making.

* 55 Days Ago*

M: Have you talked to Jason recently?

L: What do you think?

M: He's been texting me, you should text him, he says you never contact him anymore, I know he wants to hear from you Lace.

L: After everything he's put us through? I am so pissed at him.

M: I think he wants to fix things Lacey. Just reach out see what he has to say.

L: Yeah, I'll think about it mom, are you doing alright?

M: Getting better each day.

*42 Days Ago*

M: Don't forget your sisters birthday today, she's turning 20!!

L: Oh my gosh, I had the modeling shoot earlier this morning and I totally forget. I am the worst sister ever.

M: You've been busy. She will love hearing from you.

24 Days Ago

M: Jason saw the most recent photo shoot you did, he said that dress is too tight and you shouldn't be posting that stuff online. He doesn't want people getting the wrong impression.

L: Mom, you need to stop texting him or seeing him whatever is going on needs to stop. Or if you do, just don't tell me, because I'm sick of hearing his useless opinions. I'm not letting him tell me what to wear and what to post, I'll be 25 in a few short weeks. 

M: I'm sorry Lacey.

*18 Days Ago*

M: Can we talk tonight? I can  call you.

L: Sorry mom I can't tonight. Soon I promise.

M: Are you okay Lacey? Are you drinking?

L: I'm fine mom, I'm not drinking just tired.

*12 Days Ago*

M: I miss my little girl so much when will I see you? Without your sister here or you it's lonely. I miss seeing you both everyday, It's hard knowing both of you are in the city and I'm still living in Pittsburg. 

L: It should be soon. I'll let you know.

*7 Days Ago*

M: You're going to be 25 next week. What do you want from me?

L: I don't need anything mom. 

M:Come on birthdays are special I have do something? A gift card maybe?

L: Mom, I'm fine really.

M: I'm not going to argue with you Lacey. I have to get you something.

L: Ugh fine, how about you just send me a card with like $30 so I can get a few things for the apartment. 

M: I'll mail it tomorrow.

*5 Days Ago*

M: Are you going to be home anytime around your birthday? I would love to take you to dinner.

L: I'm not sure mom. If I buy a plane ticket, I will let you know. Driving almost 6 hours is just too much right now.

M: Would you be bringing anyone?

L: Nope, Charlotte and I are still broken up and I'm still single lol, just me.

*3 Days Ago*

M: Can we talk on the phone now?

L: Mom, I will call you soon. I'm getting everything ready for tomorrow, I'm going out with my friends for a birthday celebration. 

M: Have fun love, also if you come home do you want to see Jason? Maybe you two should grab coffee.

L: Mom, if I'm being honest probably not.

M: Well just think about it, have fun tomorrow night.

*1 Day Ago*

M: Did you gave fun last night? 

M: I think I'm going to drive to new York soon, I want to see you and your sister. I miss you both so much!

*18 Hours ago*

M: It's midnight! Happy 25th birthday sweetie. The girl that made me a mom, 25, seems like a life time ago, but also seems like yesterday. I love you!

*6 Hours Ago*

M: Lacey? Have you been getting my text messages and calls?

*4 Hours Ago*

M: Lacey, Charlotte just called me, she said you never came home Friday night. its your birthday. Please call me or even Jason if you don't want to tell me what's going on. We're both worried about you. 

*35 Minutes Ago*

M: The police are involved now Lacey. This is getting serious, everyone thinks something happened to you...You need to call me, Jason, your sister, a friend, anyone Lacey. I love you.

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