Twenty Two

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*Lacey's 25th birthday Group chat*


Theo: I just watched the recording. The body is Darcy's JUST. LIKE. I. SAID.

T: She killed herself to escape the punishments, what a fucking coward.

Aubrey: Did you watch it at all Theo? The body has been there for four days. Lacey was killed four days ago! They said it wasn't suicide.

T: Woah, wait a second what the fuck? There must be some sort of mistake. They had to have fucked up the report. How could have been dead for four days. She's been texting us. This doesn't make sense...

T: Someone needs to tell me what's going on.

T: Umm hello? What the hell?

T: Why is nobody answering me??

T: What the fuck is going on?

T: Aubrey!? Charlotte?!

A: I'm just thinking. The police didn't screw up anything I'll tell you that. There is no way they would release that information to the public. They do tests to see how long as body has been dead for, and they wouldn't say four days unless they were for sure it was actually four days.

T: Char, you were just with her yesterday weren't you?


A: Theo, come on think about it. Have we seen Darcy? Neither of us have physically seen her since Lacey went missing. We only heard from "her" over text.

T: And? What are you getting at Aubrey?

A: She has been dead the whole time. Just like they said on the news.

T: Oh god this doesn't make any sense! Charlotte what the fuck is going on?

A: Whoever was texting us, it wasn't her. I have a pretty good idea who it was and Theo think about it, you know too.

A: We need to call the fucking police! It's all starting to make pretty good sense now.

T: Are you fucking with me Aubrey? You think she did it??

Charlotte: Wait! Stop, let me explain.

A: You better have a good reasoning for this Charlotte.

T: Oh God tell me it isn't true....

C: I wish I could. I really do.

C: I've been living with there guilt for there past four days.


C: Theo please, it was just an accident. I'm not a bad person. This wasn't supposed to happen.

T: Five minutes, that's all you have before I call the police.

C: No don''t! It was an accident.

T: An accident?!?! You beat two innocent people to death Charlotte.

T: Two. Fucking. Living. People.

A: Let the bitch speak, or should I say MURDERER!

C: Guys please....

A: Charlotte, go!

C: Okay, so I was walking home from the bar I didn't want to pay for an Uber and I was also looking for Lacey. I got close to the park and I swore I heard Lacey's voice. She wt as talking to someone I was listening and she was getting upset about Griffen and how things went down and how she has an appointment to have an abortion on Friday. I didn't know she was pregnant at that point, but i heard her start to kiss someone and it was Darcy. She was talking about how happy they would be together and how they are going to leave the city and go to Pennsylvania. I lost it, Lacey and I had been talking about getting back together just the night before. Darcy took a phone call and I walked up behind Lacey I wanting to talk to her but I looked down and I found a brick and I struck her in the head with it, she fell to the ground and I started beating her with a limb from a tree that broke off and hit her in the head a couple more times. I don't know what came over me but I kept doing it until she stopped moving or making any sounds. Darcy walked back to where Lacey was and she saw me. She started yelling me and I took off running down the hill to the lake. She chased me for a good five minutes. She caught up to me and pressed me up against the brick wall by the lake. She was so mad at me, telling me I killed the love of her life and the baby she was going to raise. She was shaking and just kept yelling me and pressing me harder and harder against the wall. I thought she was for sure going to snap my neck.

C: That's when I reached back and found a loose brick in the wall and struck her in the head with it. With a single hit she fell to the ground. I checked her pulse it was slow but there was on but she wasn't responding to me. I didn't know what to do at that point so I pushed her body into the lake, where I was hoping she wouldn't be found. When I got to the top of the hill I found her phone it had fallen out of her pocket. Aubrey texted her and asked if she was okay and I didn't think about it being Darcy's phone I just replied yes, and I couldn't stop being Darcy this week. I tried to find Lacey's phone but was unsuccessful I drug her body into the woods and into the ditch and covered it with leaves and sticks and I then I took off running.

C: I really didn't mean for this to happen. I lost my temper and I've been living with this guilt for four days now..

T: I cannot believe you Charlotte what the hell? What the fuck did you do?

C: Theo, calm down please.

T: Calm down? Are you fucking insane? You killed two people. TWO LIVING PEOPLE CHARLOTTE. Plus you admitted to it over text so...

T: You couldn't possibly think you'd get away with this did you? You tried to make your dead best friend look like a murderer, as much at Darcy loved you and took care of you after every break up and every time you needed a friend who was there? Darcy was. Every time you needed anyone she was there. Lacey let you live with her even after the breakup and she stayed your friend too.

C: I don't know why I did it ok!!! The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you Theo...

T: Oh my God Charlotte listen to yourself.... You killed our two friends. You acted to innocent during all of this and distraught. You're just a lying bitch and a murderer. You need help. You're a twisted girl who needs to rot in jail.

C: Guys please. Help me.

C: It was an accident. I can't go to jail.

T: Oh Charlotte honey, you're not going to jail. You're going to hell where you're going to burn, it'll be a slow and painful death just a reminder of what you did here on earth.

C: Come on please...


C: Of course I feel something. Pain and guilt. I've been in tears every night. Whenever I do settle down I see my best friend and my ex dying and I hear the sounds Lacey made when she was dying.....Do you think I woke up at that day and wanted to kill two people??? I didn't want this!

C: If I go back I would change this. I would talk to Lacey and I would help her through the abortion if that's what she really wanted.

C: Don't call the police I'm begging you guys! This isn't me and you know that. Don't you know that?

T: What Charlotte you want us to sit back and drink a beer and watch a movie and act like you didn't just confess to a DOUBLE MURDER on these text messages? You wanna go out for pizza and movie? If that's what you want then you're more sick and twisted than I thought.

C: I will turn myself in tomorrow I promise. Let me do it on my terms I don't want the apartment to have negative attention like that.

T: Bull fucking shit. You don't believe her do you Aubrey?

A: Not a damn word other than confessing to the murders. I'm sorry Charlotte the police are on the way.


C: You have to help me!!!

T: Sorry Charlotte you're on your own here.


C: Aubrey?

C: Come on please...

C: I don't know what to do.... We're friends right?

A: You're no friend of mine.

C: Aubrey please don't leave me.


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