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*105 Hours after Lacey's disappearance*

*Lacey's 25th birthday group chat*

Aubrey: No update?

Charlotte: I haven't heard anything yet.

A: Well damn. Do you want to meet up tonight? We haven't really seen eachother since all this went. down. I think I would be beneficial for us all to be together. 

Theo: Great idea Aubrey! I can't spend another crying in bed alone. I need my friends. 

A: I feel that for sure. We could maybe meet at Charlotte's since she has the biggest apartment and I could cook us dinner?

Darcy: That all sounds amazing, but I'm working tonight, I'll stop by if it's not too late when I'm off. I know Charlotte will love the company.

A: No worries Darc! How does 6 sound?

C: Yeah sure, that works. 

T: 6 works for me! 

A: Great I can't wait to hug you tonight. 

T: Oh hey Darcy can you take my Apple card to Charlotte before we met up tonight. I really need that. Or Charlotte can you get it some how?

D: Yeah I can get it to her. I'll drop it off before work. 


A: So sorry, my Uber decided to bail on me so I had to wait on another one, I'll be there soon!

C: You're good, just come in when you get here, it's unlocked. 

D: Have fun, but not too much fun ;)

A: Theo? Are you still coming? I just arrived.

A: Theo. You're never late come on now. 

D: Is everything okay?

A: No, we're getting worried....Theo is never late. Charlotte is trying to call him but she's getting no reply. Can you please get off work and help Charlotte she's so upset. 

D: I can't... I wish I could. I've called off a lot and my boss is threatening to fire me. He might be waiting for an Uber or maybe his phone died or he fell asleep. 

A: We're scared because of everything that's happened with Lacey. 

D: You've never been like this before. I know it's because of everything that has happened. You need to just breathe. He will show up. 

A: I will give him 30 minutes. 

D: Okay you can text me but I'm getting busy so I won't be able to text back for a while. 

 C: I can't wait another minute. Aubrey is going to stay at my place in case he shows up, I'm going his place to see if I can find him at his house, I hope he's asleep. 

A: Be safe Charlotte. Please.


C: Damnit!

A: What?

C: It's Theo....

A: What's wrong. Is he okay?

C: He's been arrested.....

A: For what?!

C: The police won't tell me, I just saw his neighbor, he was over at the place and the burst in and arrested him in suspicion of murder....They told him not to speak. 

A: Are you fucking serious? Theo would never hurt her!  

C: When she got into the cab car with that unknown person, that was him.... He was the guy she was arguing with. 

A: There has to be a mistake, he didn't kill her, I'm going home and I'm going to make some phone calls and figure out why the fuck he lied to us and why the fuck he's in jail. 

D: Oh my god I just read my messages, Charlotte I'm coming over. Fuck work. Are you okay?

C: I'm in disbelief but I'm okay. I need you Darcy. 

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