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*101 Hours After Lacey's disappearance*

*Lacey's 25th birthday group chat*

Charlotte: I feel horrible, and guilty.

Aubrey: Why Char?

C: These thoughts are racing through my head, I should have been there with her, she was so drunk I should have never let her go off on her own, as soon as I noticed she wasn't around me I should have never of went to sleep without making sure she was safe in bed. 

N: Listen Char, don't blame yourself, you had no idea this was going to happen. We all could of left at the same time and we all could have made sure she was safe, and not drink as much as she did. This isn't your fault. You went home and went to bed, whoever killed her is guilty. You have to remember that or you will go crazy. 

Theo: Aubrey is right Charlotte. Nobody is throwing the blame at you. You're so distraught and you've had to break the news to her family. You need to make sure you're treating yourself okay, because you're going through this harder than anyone else. 

Darcy: It's all over the news, they're trying to find clues to figure out who's responsible for this. 

A: it's going to get worse from here right? Like once they figure out clues and it just spirals into all of these allegations and whoever killed her, we will see a mugshot and it will be horrifying. 

D: Does anyone have any clues? Anything at all?

C:  She met that dude off the dating app a few weeks ago, but her sister already called the police on him and he was released by police, he had an alibi for that night, he was at another bar on the other side of town and his credit card records and phone records show that, he even has security at his apartment and it shows him coming in at 1:30AM and never leaving again. 

A: Messiah I think? 

D: That's him! So he didn't kill her.

C: Damnit, I did find this though, she posted on Facebook and tagged us and the location so anyone that saw this post knew where she was, it has 160 likes. Do you think maybe someone that liked the post did this?/

A: Tell the police that! See if the police can find out anything with that information Charlotte!

C: I'll keep you all updated. Thank you for being so helpful during all of this. It means the world knowing I have all of my friends there for me :) 

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