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*125 Hours After Lacey's disappearance*

Lacey's 25th birthday group chat 


Aubrey: I'm guessing you saw the news article?

Charlotte: I can't believe this. Not at all. I've been trying to call her all night and it keeps going to voicemail. 

A: I didn't sleep. I've texted her with nothing, where do you think she is?

C: I don't know! If I knew I wouldn't be panicking! I'm in shock. I'm shaking and scared. What happens if she comes back....

A: Then you call the police Charlotte. You do not speak to her. She's a murderer. She's dangerous you know this.


A: Still no word?

C: No!

Theo: I haven't heard anything either..

A: Oh fuck guys, there is a news article that was just released I'm attaching the link and sending it now!

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