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*Lacey's 25th birthday group chat*

Lacey: I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm ready for tonight!

Darcy: Are we meeting at your place Lace?

L: Char and I were thinking that, we could pregame here with a few drinks before we head out too.

Aubrey: What time do you plan on getting here? I get off at 11.

L:Fuck. I forgot you're working. I want everyone here by 8ish and we will head to the bar at 10 maybe? That way when you get off at 11 we can hit it hard.

A: Sounds good to me! I can't wait, hopefully I'll have some drinking to catch up on because karaoke starts at midnight and you know I'm doing that.

L: I'll be right up there with you! Theo, Darcy, we live in apartment 315, top floor, Charlotte has a happy birthday banner on the door. Can't miss it!

D: See you both so soon!

A: It's getting pretty busy here but my boss told me I can get you all in for free and a free round of drinks!

L: Aww, Aubrey. I love you!


Charlotte: Make sure you've cleaned all the shot glasses tonight cause we're gonna need them.

A: Please don't get too drunk, if you're too drunk they won't even let you in.

L: okay whatever you say mom, this is my birthday after all. 

C: Come on Aubrey, don't be a party pooper. 

A: I'm only warning you. Also I know you're getting a taxi ride here, please don't puke in the taxi.

C: oh we're going to be fine.


Theo: We're on our way!

A: Why didn't Char, Darcy or Lace text me?

T: Funny story, they're currently serenading the taxi deriver with Taylor Swift songs, so just prepared.

C: Aubrey you really need to start drinking if you ever wanna catch us.

A: I snuck a vodka and coke earlier when my boss wasn't looking, don't worry I'll catch up fast!

L: We're walking up to the VIP line!

D: can't wait to see you! Lacey is going to have the best birthday ever!

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