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*129 Hours After Lacey's Disappearance*

Lacey's 25th birthday group chat 

Darcy: Oh god guys it's all over the news....Theo really did this..

Aubrey: I'm not believing it! Theo wouldn't do this. He was so concerned about Lacey. He would have never laid a finger on her. 

D: It might be him though Aubrey you have think, he was right about EVERYTHING! He knew something happened to her when we all suggesting she was at a family members house. Maybe he was involved. 

A: No Darcy, you're wrong. He was madly in love with Lacey... He didn't do this. 

D: Maybe he didn't mean to hurt her. Maybe he started walking home and Lacey told the cab driver to pull over and he got in and he might have tried to make a move, she might have pushed him off and he might have lost it we don't know what happened in the cab...

A: You're now jumping to conclusions, we need the autopsy results. Charlotte have you heard yet?

C: No, but I'll contact her mom in a few hours. 


C: I just got off the phone with her mom, it's bad guys really bad...

A: Do I even want to hear this?

C: I'm telling you because I'm shocked. Her mom said they found significant head trauma and her skull was fractured. They believe she was struck with either a tree branch or a brick, at least 7 or 8 times. She would have been dead before the last hit, she wouldn't have felt all of them. 

A: I think I'm going to throw up. 

C: They said nothing happened to the body after she was murdered. The body had no sexual trauma or any abuse to her corpse, this wasn't a killer this was someone who just simply lost control that night.

A: It wasn't Theo. I don't think so. 

C: He lied to us though. Why lie if you haven't done anything wrong?

A: We don't even know what's happening to him do we?

D: We know that night he was in the cab with her. Which means he was one of the last people to see her alive, if not the last. He has known this whole time!

C: Wait guys, there is more about Lacey...

A: Oh no, what?

C: Lacey was pregnant....

A: What the fuck? Pregnant?

C: I know, I'm in shock. Her mom just told me she didn't know either. We were just laying in bed talking about if we wanted kids or not. She was 8 weeks pregnant.

A: Was she even seeing anyone?

C: Not someone that she would have kids with, not to my knowledge. She would crawl into bed and tell me if someone had done someone to her that she didn't want and I know it's not the creep Messiah's. I bet they think it's Theo's but I know it's not. 

A: No you're right it's not Theo's. He wouldn't have killed her because of her being pregnant we would have been overjoyed. Theo hasn't slept with anyone recently. 

C: I'm guessing she intended on having an abortion, why else would she have gotten drunk on her birthday like that. Why drink if you're pregnant.

A: Unless, oh my god what if she didn't know! This is just getting worse and worse.


Theo: GUYS! Before you say anything I wanted to be the first to tell you this. I didn't kill Lacey. I promise you that, she was my best friend. I've been so invested in this situation, I swear on my little sister's life that I would never hurt Lacey I wouldn't.

A: Oh god, you were released!?!?

T: Released pending any farther enquires. 

D: You lied to us.. Why did you lie about the cab?

T: I had to! I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone, I would have if I would have known she was dead. Then they were looking for the person who got into the cab with her., I started getting scared, then I found she was dead, I felt sick. I could have told the truth but you guys would have thought for sure it was me. 

C: Why did you go home with her?

T: I left the cab and walked to get food, then I started to walk back to the bar. She then shouted at me from the cab and told me to get in. She started telling me she had slept with someone the past few weeks and she just found out she was pregnant about a week ago, but she had set up an appointment to get rid of it. I was shocked I asked her if she had talked to the father about having an abortion and she said she hadn't and she didn't want to. I told her she needed to because that's a huge deal, so she said she would talk to him at the park. She texted someone and then the cab driver dropped her off at the park. I said goodbye and closed the door. I should have stayed with her but she instated she was okay. 

C: I can't believe she was pregnant, we shared EVERYTHING, we're best friends. We even shared a toothbrush once...She literally told me everything about her. 

A: Okay, but who was the guy?

T: She didn't tell me.

A: This is starting to not make any sense. Who knows who the father is? Lacey wasn't that good at keeping secrets. 

C: She obviously learned. 

A: Wait Ty you had an alibi because the camera showed you coming home at the time she would have been at the park, why were you even arrested?

T: Good question Aubrey I was getting there. They found something near Lacey's body that linked me to her murder. 

C: What was it?

T: My apple credit card.

T: It was in the park Charlotte. Not far from Lacey's body. 

T: But if you recall I didn't have my credit card did I?

T: Who did you may ask?

T: Darcy did. 

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