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*31 Hours After Lacey's Disappearance*

Theo: I crashed early last night, has anyone heard from Lacey yet? She didn't answer any of my text messages or return any of my calls.

Darcy: I went to Charlotte's last night, and we fell asleep early too. We didn't hear anything.

T: Damn, so what's the plan now?

Aubrey: I was thinking she would of answered us by now, at least just a text message she's okay at least...

D: This is too weird, she always answers. She hasn't been on social media since she was at the bar. Did something happen at the bar that would make her not talk to us? Like a fight or something?

A: I don't think so. I remember we all danced, and we did karaoke. 

Charlotte: I was looking through snapchat and my camera roll, nothing looks off, but here is what I do remember, we all met here, except Aubrey who was working. We took a taxi, drank. Aubrey met us all after she completed her shift, we drank, danced, sang. I went outside around 1:30 and talked to an old friend who I hadn't seen in forever. I went back in the bar and I couldn't find Lacey or Theo. Theo left first at 2. I got home around 3:30, and I didn't check her room, the door was closed I assumed she was sleeping..

T: I'm getting really scared over here, what if she's missing, what is she got picked up by someone.

A: So what? We call the police? This is out of character for her. 

C: Hold on just a minute. Let me call her mom, she might of went home, she's celebrating with her sister today, she might be there.

T: Okay! Well maybe she just went home! Let us know.


C: Damnit, she didn't go home.

T: Fuck guys, I really think something happened to her. This isn't how Lacey is. 

A: Did her mom wonder why you asked?

C: Of course! I didn't want to worry her though so I didn't say anything...

T: Do you think she went to her sister's instead? They were supposed to hang out today. 

C: No, she told her sister she would meet her at the movies at 2. 

T: Okay, well that's it, I'm calling the police.

C: Theo just hold on now! Let me call her mom and ask her if she knows anything at all before we get the police involved okay?

A: Are you okay doing that, I know how close you two are.

C: I mean, I'm scared but since we're so close her mom is like my 2nd mom, give me a few minutes, I'll text you all once I get off the phone with her.


C: Her mom is in a full panic, She's calling Lacey, and blowing up her phone. She told me to get the police involved, she's really freaking out.

T: Lacey loves her mom, they're really close. Maybe if she's in some trouble she'll text her mom. Her mom would bail her out of any situation. 


C: She's not answering her mom either guys..

T: This is why we needed to call the police when I suggested it. We all know something is wrong with her.

D: Theo shut up! You're jumping to conclusions, we need to get the police here to see what they think.

A: Well an officer stopped by my house, They opened a case, but they're feeling like she just ran away or she might be hurt since she was drunk. However they're going to start checking CCTV footage from the bar to see where Lacey went. They're also going to call a few hospitals to see if any of them have Jane Doe's that need got be identified to make sure she didn't end up there. 

D: Oh my god, do you think she got hurt? I never thought about that. 

T: I honestly hope she's hurt. I know how horrible that sounds, but at least we will know where she is. 


C: Bad news, her mom just called me and said none of the local hospitals have anyone matching Lacey's description. 

T: Damnit, where is she?

A: What are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait for something to happen?

D: Keep calling her or texting her, check her social media accounts to make sure she's not active anywhere. 

T: I left my house to get some cigarettes, and I was checking my phone, it's on the local news site...This isn't looking good guys. 

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