Twenty One

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Coming to you live at 11am, news just in another body has been found in Bridgeport Park. It's the second body that has been found there in the last week, Lacey Andrews was found dead there earlier this week after her friends reported her missing. Police are investigating and the park is an active crime scene, we will provide more updates as they come into us. 

*Lacey's 25th group chat*


Charlotte: Another body? What does this mean?

Aubrey: You don't think it's Darcy's 

C: No it can't be! We can't lose two friends in a week damnit. What if it is?

A: I think you need to call the investigators and see if they'll tell you anything, this is getting to be too fucking weird for me.


C: They're not telling me anything, I just spoke to them. 

A: Keep calling Darcy see if you can get ahold of her. Theo have you heard anything?

Theo: Why the fuck would I hear anything? Darcy hated me, and she killed our friend! My bestfriend is dead because of her. She lied to us, if she did the right thing she killed herself.

A: Theo! What the fuck is wrong with you?

C: Fuck you Theo. Darcy might not have always been your best friend but she cared about you and wanted the best for you. I cannot believe you just said those things.

T: What? I'm not saying sorry if that's what you want. She took someones life, LACEY'S DEAD DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT?? Someone who knew she was pregnant! Who the hell hides information like that, why the hell did Darcy let her drink? Who kills an innocent 24 year old? If she killed herself then that's the least she could have done for putting us through this week of torture. 

N: I just heard an update, they're giving information at 6 tonight on the news. 

C: About what?

N: The body in the park I guess. 

C: I'm so scared....

T: Give me updates I'm not going to be home in time, I'm going out and getting dinner and cigarettes. 

A: Yeah I'll record it for you.



Good evening . Welcome to the 6:30 news. Our top story of the half hour is the main suspect in the murder of Lacey Andrews has been found dead today at Bridgeport Park. It was found in the same park Andrews body was found over 4 days ago. The body has been identified and confirmed as 24 year old Darcy McLane. McLane was a bartender who regularly hung out with her friends in bars around the city was seen with Andrews the night she was murdered. Police have said the two deaths are related, and confirmed she has been dead for at least a few days. Early tests have indicated that her body might have been there for at least 4 days. Which would put her death at the same time as Andrews. However she was never reported missing. Police are saying McLane did not commit suicide. This opens a whole new set of questions around the murders, and who killed these two innocent young ladies. A happy night out celebrating a birthday will be a night a lot of families will remember forever. 

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