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*8 hours after Lacey went missing*

Theo: Jeez, remind me to NEVER drink again...

T: Please tell me someone else is awake here...

Darcy: I am now, sadly. I feel like garbage. I actually agree with you on this Theo, NEVER drinking again.

D: what time did we leave?

T: 1 maybe? 2? I left before any of you did. The karaoke was just too much for me and my ears.

T: i checked my camera footage from last night. I took a photo when I got home around 2:15, so I must of left around 2.

Charlotte: Ugh you're too chatty this morning.

D: you're feeling terrible right? You've gotta be.

C: I don't think I've ever stopped throwing up, to where I'm dry heaving, my head feels like someone is holding 100 pounds on it and it's killing me.

T: Well Charlotte you told Aubrey to have the shot glasses clean, so who's to blame here?

C: Okay, bad idea, I get it, but Lacey did the majority of them.

T: is she awake yet?

C: No, I'm going to let her sleep a little while longer, especially if she feels as bad as we all do.

D: Good idea, you know how grumpy Lacey gets when she's sick or tired, now we're combining both of those.

C: You're right, I definitely don't want to awaken that beast.

D: How's Aubrey?

C: Why are you asking me? I don't remember anything from last night at all.

D: She told me she was going to crash at your place..

Aubrey: No, I went home. Lacey was already puking before I left the bar. I left right after Theo did, and I went home. 

T: Well why you all relive the memories from last night, I'm making myself breakfast!

D: Nothing for me?

T: Keep dreaming princess this is all for me.

D: I'm back to hating you. Is Lacey awake yet? She took loads of photos, I need to see the selfies we took.

C: Not yet Darc, I'm going to give her a little more time. If she doesn't wake up in a few hours, I'll go and check on her. 

D: Poor Lace, hopefully she feels better soon, she has plans with her sister tomorrow, her actual birthday.


C: No sign of her yet, should I wake her?

T: Yes do it! I know she took videos of me doing a body shot off that hot bartender last night, I'd like to see those.

C: Gross, let me brew her a fresh cup of coffee, and I'll wake her.


C: Ummm guys.. We have a situation here.

C: She's not in her room, or anywhere in the house. I've checked everywhere.

A: So you're telling us she didn't come home?

T: I thought you two left together to avoid something happening like this.

C: No, I went outside, I saw an old friend we were catching up, Lacey was hanging all over me and wouldn't get off of me. After my friend and I were talking we noticed Lacey wasn't there. I just assumed she went and got some water and someone got her an Uber or a taxi. She was throwing up when we were outside I knew she wanted to lay down. When I got home her door was shut, and I didn't bother checking when I got home I didn't want to wake her. Oh god guys, what if something is wrong.

D: Now don't panic. it's okay. I'm sure she's fine.

C: I hope so.


T: Have you heard from Lace?

C: I haven't heard anything.

D: Same.

A: Do you think she's at some random guys house or a girls house?

D: I don't want to think about it.

T: Come on guys you know Lacey, she's not like that.

D: She has made some suggestive choices lately.

C: You know she's with that modeling group now, maybe she had a photoshoot this afternoon, we will start worrying this evening. I'm sure she's okay.

T: Lacey is the smartest girl I know I'm sure she's okay.

A: I'm going to take a quick nap, text me with any updates.

C: Will do Aubrey! I'm going to leave my ringer on, I need to make sure Lacey is safe. 

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