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Return home-

Pete woke up while a hand was rubbing his shoulder. His head laying down on a warm chest and he looked up to see Vegas just staring at him.

"You're finally up. You've been asleep for so long. It's already almost noon." Vegas said as he smiled at Pete.

Pete yawned as he sat up to sit next to the prince. He remembered the passionate night they had as he felt amazing than ever before. He looked around the room to see the mess again that they created.

Pete already feels bad for the maids because they have to clean all of this up.

"Are you ready to see your parents?" Vegas asked as he placed his hand under Pete's chin and smiled.

Pete nodded happily that Vegas didn't forget his promise to let him go out and see the town. Vegas already has everything planned. He already informed Phillip his head guard, the carriage is prepped and ready to go.

"Ai Pete, I have something to tell you." Vegas said as his voice sounded more serious.

"What is it?"

"I won't be back for three days. I'm leaving town for business." The prince admitted and Pete couldn't believe it.

The Devil prince was leaving the palace for a few days and Pete has already gotten use to Vegas being around and controlling everything. What could happen when he is gone for three days.

"Macau is staying here to take orders around here but you have all the power. Because you are my suitor, you are already known as royalty to the minor family. You are no longer a commoner." Vegas informed to which Pete was shock.

He's not a commoner anymore? All his life he has been nothing but average. Not royalty.

Vegas climb off the bed and Pete saw his scars and bruises that he remembered that his father did to him. Pete could see fresh scars on Vegas's back as Pete was digging into Vegas's skin so hard from their rough and passionate night.

Pete climb off the bed as he approached the prince. Pete faced the prince as he placed both his hands on his face as he leaned and gave Vegas a gentle peck on the lips.

"Let me treat your wounds." Pete suggested and Vegas nodded as both men head to the bathroom.

The tub was prepared as Vegas as just at the edge off the tub. Pete grabbed the first aid kit as he stood behind the prince and placed a fluffy cotton swob gently on the the prince's back.

It burned as Vegas balled his fist in pain. After cleaning the wounds with alcohol, Pete applied ointments around the wound. Pete placed both his hands on both of Vegas's shoulders. The prince rested his hand on one of Pete's hand in comfort.

"Be safe. I'll be waiting at home for you." Pete said and that made Vegas happy.

Pete's entire attitude has changed since last night and Pete thinks he fully understands Vegas now. The prince is giving his heart into this relationship so Pete has decided to do the same. He will accept Vegas and try to love him the same way Vegas loves him.

Pete took the carriage that the prince had prepared for him and Pete was shock of the small chest beside him. It was filled with clean money and some gold inside. Pete didn't need that much money but actually in fact, he didn't need money at all. Pete arrived at his parents small house as it gave him so many memories of living here. Phillip the guard helped Pete step out of the carriage, the town people stared in shock as they expected the prince in the carriage but it was just Pete.

Pete knocked at his parents front door.

The door creep open just slightly in it opened wide as Pete's father stared at his son in all tears and happiness. Mr. Saengtham never thought it would see his son again after the prince took him away for already two months.

"Ba, I'm back." Pete said as he smiled at his dad.

"Pete, my son." Mr. Saengtham hugged his son in a tight squeeze.

Pete felt like his dad was gonna suffocate it if he squeeze any harder. Eventually, Mr. Saengtham released the hug and invited his son in. Phillip walked in behind Pete as he invited himself into the house, Mr. Saengtham was confused at the guard that was following his son.

"Pete, who is this?"

"I'm sorry Ba, The prince's orders him to keep me safe so he has to stay with me at all times. Phillip is just doing his job. I hope you don't mind." Pete explained to his dad.

Mr. Saengtham wasn't too happy but he knows better now to not try to go agains't the prince's orders. The scary big guard will just have to stay. Pete wonder around his house as he saw that everything was still the same. He smelled food being prepared and he instantly know who was cooking it. Pete ran into the kitchen as he saw his mother making lunch.

"Ma!" Pete called out to his mother.

Pete's mother turned around.

"Pete! You're okay!" She yelled as she stop what she was doing to hug her son. She stop for a minute to look at Pete to see that he looked good and healthy but she noticed a small belly that his son has gain. " I see you've been eating well at least. I guess you didn't get fat enough when you ate my food." Mrs. Saengthan said to her son.

"Ma, you know I love your cooking. I'm here right now because I'm hungry and I want to eat your food." Pete said to soften his mother.

Mrs. Saengtham smiled and just hugs her son again. Suddenly the door bell rings, stoping the son and mother moment they had. A male voice hollowed through the house and Pete tried to make out who that voice belong too. As the voice got closer, Pete's dad came in the kitchen with flowers in his hand with a smile as the stranger revealed himself.

"Arm?" Pete said in disbelief as he saw his ex fiancé standing in his parents kitchen.

"Pete?" Arm said as he couldn't believe it.

The two stared at each other in pure shock. Pete was not expecting to see Arm at his parents house.

What do they do now that they haven't see each other in two months?

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