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The same fate never changes-

The King marched to his dungeon in his palace. It been years since he has step foot here as he remembered the abuse and suffering his father put him through as a child. Khun Gun would lock Vegas down here whenever he was misbehaving and now he has locked someone down here too.

It's funny how fate plays out.

Vegas walks inside the cell as the male figure was tide up in a chair of chains as his feet and arms were locked in shackles. He still had on his mask on as the king couldn't see his face. A few guards stood outside the call just to keep a close eye and the protection of the king.

"Who are you?" The king questioned the male figure.

He says nothing.

Vegas was annoyed and decided to take off the mask, revealing the fugitive. Vegas eyes widen at the criminal who had shot him with a bow through his shoulder.

"It was you?" Vegas said in disbelief.

Arm lifted his head up and smirked at the King but Vegas glared at him.

"Of course it was me and my only regret as that I missed your damn heart with that bow and arrow." Arm spat as he stared at the King.

Vegas smirked as he shouldn't be the surprised. Arm only motive to kill him was because he took his fiancé from him. He will admit that it takes guts to do revenage and the king could understand but still he is very angry that he was blindsided but a damn bow in his shoulder.

"And what would you accomplish if you had killed me?" Vegas questioned Arm.

Arm's mouth opened slightly as he was confused of the kings question. 

'Is he for real?'

"Will it help you get Pete back if you killed me? In fact, I don't see a chance of you and Pete ever getting back together. For this I know." Vegas stated as he look dead into Arm's eyes.

"I would at least get Pete away from a monster like you." Arm stated.

"Or maybe Pete loves a monster like me. " The king smirked and Vegas signaled two guards in as they had whips in their hands. "Since you injured my shoulder, I can't punish you but I'll have my men do it for me." Vegas states and the guards began to slash Arm in the stomach with the whips.

The King laughed as he enjoyed the pain that is being conflicted onto Arm. Arm screamed as blood was staining through his shirt. Vegas ordered is men to stop as he lifted up Arm's shirt to see a bruise that looked exactly like his own. The King frowned as he stared up at Arm who looked scared and terrified now.

The King suddenly released Arm from the chains and shackles from his ankles and wrists. Arm fell down to his knees as tear pool down his face.

"Just kill me already! I don't have anything left so just end me!" Arm yelled as he pleaded to the king to end his life.

Arm felt like he has nothing left since he lost the love of his life to the devil. The king had that same thought in mind to kill Arm but he can't bring himself too and he doesn't know why. Vegas turned his body to face the cage door as he couldn't look at the pathetic state that Arm is in anymore.

Arm looked up as he chuckled. Arm slowly stood up but just barely to stay on his feet.

"You can't kill me can you? You're afraid if you do, Pete will never forgive you." Arm said and Vegas turned back around to face Arm again.

'Was he just pretending to be in pain and forced himself to cry so I would release him?'

"My suspicion must be right." Arm grinned.

"I'm actually keeping you alive because I want to know if you kidnap my brother." Vegas said and that is partial the truth.

"Brother? Why would I kidnap your brother?"Arm asked as he was confused.

"So you don't know anything?" Vegas arched in eyebrow. The King signaled in another guard but this time he pulls out his sword as he aimed it close to Arm's neck.

"W-Wait a second! I swear on my life I know nothing of your brother. I didn't even know he was kidnapped." Arm admitted.

The King stared into Arm's eyes as he seemed to be telling the truth and he really knows nothing. Vegas signaled the guard to lower his sword down. Arm relaxes as the scary sword was out of reach from him but Vegas is still upset as he is not getting closer to finding any clues on who could have kidnapped Macau.

He fears that he would have to ask for help from his cousins after all since he is desperate.

"I need to to send this message to the letter sender for me. Have him send an SOS letter immediately to the man royal family." The king informed a guard.

"What do you want the letter to say your highness?" The guard asked.

"Have it say Prince Macau has been kidnapped and the King needs assistants as soon as possible. You got that?"

"Yes your highness." The guard bowed as he left to send the message over.

"What do we do with him your Highness?" A guard asked as he pointed at Arm.

Vegas smirked.

"Keep him here. He will be my personal prisoner as he is after my soon to be Queen. " Vegas stated as he walked out of Arm's prison cell. 

The king decided not to kill him as he felt death would be too easy. This mercy alone is all Arm is going to get but yet Arm is confused. He himself saw a change in the Vegas as he thought he would do something much worse to him but he didn't. 

The king is letting him live.

Vegas marched out of the dungeon as he returned to his room to find Pete sleeping on the bed. It is almost day rise. The king was informed that Pete will be sleeping a lot most of the time since he is pregnant. Vegas smiled as he joined his darling in bed and just rest beside him.

'Can you tell me you love me now Pete?'

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