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The escape-

It was already night fall and the king has decided to return home. Much work was done but he was not quite done with all of it just yet. Vegas walked down the halls as all his guards bowed and greeted him. Vegas only thought process was how was Pete doing home. The king found Philip standing guard right where he left him just right outside their bedroom.

"Your Highness, you've have returned home." Phillip bow to the king.

"How's Pete doing? " Vegas asked him as was concerned for him.

Phill hands twitched as he was super nervous to tell the king what exactly happened today.

"Um....Sir Pete founded out about the prisoner in the dungeon." Phillip admitted.

Vegas eyes shot up as he was in full shock of the news. The king was angry at Phillip as he let Pete find out who was down in his dungeon.

"My apologies your Highness for taking him down there but he was leaving me no choice. He told him if I didn't listen that you would have my head and frame it." Phillip admitted as he was scared of Pete's threat all day.

The king was tempting the have Phillip's head now just how stupid that he let Pete find out the truth. Vegas just pushes Phillip aside to not worry about it later as he need to see Pete right now. Vegas to his surprised found Pete on the bed reading a book. He thought he would sleeping since it's so late already.

"Ai Pete?" The king called out to Pete but Pete never took his eyes out of the book."My love are you okay?" Vegas started off talking softly.

"It seems that you didn't trust me enough to tell me Vegas." Pete said and Vegas sat at the edge of the bed. He placed his hand onto Pete thigh as he felt apologetic.

"Ai Pete, I'm so sorry for not tell you that I kept Arm as a prisoner. I should I told you sooner." The king admitted to his mistake. He just wants Pete calm so he doesn't get mad at him or hate him even after they had amazing night together last night.

"I'm not mad that you kept Arm as your prisoner. I'm mad that you didn't tell me he shot you with an arrow. Arm deserves to rot in that prison cell as I didn't like the fact that he almost killed you." Pete explained as Vegas must have miss understood.

Vegas was slightly confused as he thought he would still care for his ex fiancé after all but Pete was showing so ounce of care in the world for Arm.

"Still I am sorry for keep that a secret too. I handle him and he receiving his punishment." Vegas said.

Pete closes the book and darts his eyes towards the Prince. Pete suddenly grabbed ahold of Vegas collar of his shirt as he brought the king towards his face. Vegas was taken aback by the action but didn't question it neither.

"I don't think you understand my feelings towards you Vegas. I will not allow a man to hurt you even if I had to go as far as to kill someone to protect you, I will." Pete stated.

The king was seeing the change right in front of his eyes from his darling as Pete entire attitude as changed entirely. Vegas thought Phillip was bluffing but even Vegas was starting to become afraid of his darling.

'What has he turned into?'

The King decided to smirk as he found this new Pete interesting or kind of scary but sexy at the same time. Vegas felt that he has definitely has met his match. Vegas took in Pete hands off his collar as he kissed the back of it.

"I am not so easy to kill darling. Many have tried and failed and here I am before you now, still alive." Vegas stated as he mentions to Pete.

Pete rolled his eyes as he climb out of bed. He walked towards the bathroom but he stop just before he opened the door.

"Care to join me your Majesty?" Pete boldly asked as he waiting for the King to bathe with him. Vegas smirked as he couldn't refused his darling, especially taking a bath with him.


Silent foot steps creep the halls as none of the kings guards were alerted yet. The masked figure pulled out a rolled up ball out of his sleeve as it lit the string and rolled it across the hall. Phillip was still standing  guard at the kings bedroom as he heard a sizzling noise. He looked at the ground and his eyes widen as he realized what was about to happen.

Phill tried to crotched to his knees as the explosion a bomb went off. Phillip was badly injured by the huge blast that covered the entire king's palace in smokes.

Vegas who was laying down in bed with Pete as he heard for this explosion going off. His body jerked up, causing Pete to jump up too.

"Some explosions are happing inside the palace." Vegas noticed as he jumped out of bed with barley a shirt on. He grabbed his robe as he opened the door to see Phillip passed out on the floor.

The King covered his nose to not inhale the smoke. For his safety and Pete's, he closed their door shut so the smoke doesn't get inside their room.

"Vegas, what is happening?" Pete asked as he was scared on what is going on.

The king didn't answer Pete's question as he was in search for the alarm Botton that informs everyone in the palace that an emergency is happening. Vegas just hopes his guards can find the culprit for bombing his palace. All the King can do is stay in the room with Pete and his unborn child. Vegas will not let anything happen to them.

The mask figure was still on the loose in the palace as he headed to a surprised location in the palace. He was searching over and over as he finally found who he was looking for in the palace.

Arm who was wide awake because he heard the bombs and explosions as he saw a masked man in front of his cell prison.

"W-Who are you?" Arm asked as he was terrified.

"I'm....your savior." The figured said as he revealed his mask off to.

Arm's eyes widen as he couldn't believe who was in front of him right now.


A/N: If you guessed who it was, I guess I didn't make it as much as a surprised lol 

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