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The horrible truth-

Pete escaped from Prince Jake's small castle in one piece as he hopped on a waiting horse and rode back to  the town to his parents house. He is worried for dear life that his son might be in danger.

This was supposed to be Pete and Vegas's wedding day but instead it has became the worse day of his life as so much catastrophe is all happening at once.

Pete after hours of riding on the horse, made it to his parents house as knocked on the door frantically as he was so anxious. Pete heard no one answering as he started to kick as hard as he could to open the door.

"Open already!" Pete grunted as he kicked harder and harder and finally the door opened.

Pete ran inside everywhere as he called and search for his mom and dad.

"Ma! Ba! Where are you?" Pete yelled as he called out their names.

Pete heard a tea pot boiling and screeching as it sounded like it was boiling over. He ran inside the kitchen and saw the horror in his face. Pete saw his mother and father hang up to the ceiling with a rope wrapped around their necks. Blooded pooling down as their lifeless body sway around.

Pete dropped down to his knees and screamed.

"NO!!!!" Pete cried as his parents were murdered and killed.

His worse fear became a nightmare as he lost his parents and his son is still nowhere to be found. Pete got up as he unite the ropes off their necks as both their bodies collapsed. Pete hugged them one last time as he knows this will be the last time he see them again.

"Ma and Ba? I'm so sorry.....I'm sorry." Pete blamed himself as he cried in his dead parents arms.

Pete stopped his cries as he heard footsteps closing in. He looked up and saw Vegas who was shocked to see Pete here.

"Ai Pete!"

"Vegas!" Pete said as he still held onto his dead parents. "They're gone. My parents are gone and Venice is not here." Pete said as he cried harder again.

Vegas face saddened as he kneel down to Pete and his parent in laws.

"I'm so sorry Pete. Darling, I am so sorry but they are gone and there is nothing we can do." Vegas said as he knows the pain of loosing parents.

He felt the same way when his mother died and he cried as he killed his own father. Vegas knows that pain better than anyone. Pete didn't want to believe it but it's true and there is nothing he could do to save his parents.

Vegas stood up as he offered out his hand out to Pete. Pete looked at it and took it as Vegas brought him to stand up. The two men hugged as tears were still stained Vegas dress shirt. Vegas soothe Pete's back as he allowed the boy to cry his heart out.

This is his first step of grieving.

Pete stopped his tears as he released himself from his husbands arms. He wipes his eyes off as he tried to look strong.

"We need to find Venice. Prince Jake took him and I know he killed my parents. Arm told me." Pete admitted.

Vegas took in the information that Pete told him as he stalked around the house to find evidence. If this was really the work of Jake, Vegas would find clues. Vegas kneeled down to his father in law's dead body as he pulled his collar to reveal his neck that has a knife scar on it.

The king guessed that Prince Jake came inside Pete's house and slashed Pete's father neck as he died instantly and they he hung him up along with his wife. Vegas knows this as he knew that Jake killings were always unstable.

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