Postmortem Meeting

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Jenny watched her peers stroll by from the comfort of the wall. She enjoyed phasing through the walls. It sent weird tingles through her body that made her feel alive! Or at least...made her feel SOMETHING.

After all these months, the stuff she could phase through is all she had. There was no one to talk to. Party with. Even all her friends had stopped talking about her.

Heather had a new roommate. Some girl named Sasha. All her stuff was taken out of her dorm. It was like she was never here. It was exhausting! And totally boring.

She was just about to go looking for some of her old friends to see what they were doing without her when she saw something she'd never seen before.

Someone was floating down the hall! Just like she did! Their legs were just one long wispy thing like hers too. Could it be...she wasn't the only dead one here after all??

She shot out of the wall as they passed by. "Hi!!!! OH my god, you're dead too!!! Let's be friends!"

The ghost stared at her in shock and disbelief. They had dark orange hair and a simple sleeveless turtleneck. SO not a fashion student.

"YOU?!" they spat out.

Jenny cocked her head. How did they know who she was? "You know me?"

"Um, yeah?" They crossed their arms. "I'm-"

Jenny stopped paying attention and looked around. She landed on the portrait of her they'd put up after she died. Ah! That must be how they knew. From her portrait. Doi!

"Right, right, right," she interrupted. "Anyway, It's nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand out, but they made no move to shake it.

"We KNOW each other," they said. "I JUST said we had classes together. Do you really not recognize me?"

"Oh, sure!" Jenny replied, leaving the wall all the way to hover next to them. "I remember now! We were friends, right?"

"Not especially."

"Well, that's not very nice." Jenny crossed her arms. "I haven't spoken to anyone in months, and you're not gonna be my friend? You're gonna want to be friends it's super boring here."

The ghost rolled their eyes. "Fine. whatever. If it'll make you leave me alone."

"Great!" Jenny clapped her hands. "You won't regret it! It'll be a friendship for the history books! See you later!" As she started to float away, she paused and said over her shoulder. "Sorry you died, by the way. It's...rough..."


Well, they seemed nice. Too bad Jenny never caught their name...

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