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 Heather's side pony bobbed happily as she walked down the hallway, flanked by friends. They all giggled and gossiped as they went, effortlessly exuding an aura of popularity.

"It's gonna be the raddest party ever!" Ashley tittered.

"Totally," Heather nodded. "It's been WAY too long since this school's had a good party. The last one was SUCH a drag."

The group couldn't help but fall silent at the mention of the last party to take place at the school. "Anyway..." Ashley piped up. "For the party, I was thinking we could make a theme around..."

The girl's voices faded as they continued down the hall, leaving Jenny alone with their echoes.

They were so happy...and throwing a party...without her. Jenny could barely process it. Just a few weeks ago, SHE had been the one planning parties! And here they were, just...happily going about their day as if nothing happened.

Was this how you were SUPPOSED to act when your best friend just died?? It was all so wrong....

Jenny found herself floating downward, through the floor, going down, and down, and down.

And there she was. The pool had been drained and covered, and the door has been taped off. Not that anyone would want to be there anyway. It was where she died, after all.

Dead....she still couldn't process it.

How could this have happened? If she really WAS dead, then surely she would've seen the pearly gates by now.

Unless....was THIS her punishment? To watch her friends and family forget her as she falls to the wayside? That HAD to be it. The REAL Heather was probably devastated. This one was just created by Hell to hurt her. ...right?

Why else would things feel so...terrible?

She stayed still, thinking about it all. She felt like crying, but couldn't feel any tears on her face. If they were there at all, they blended with everything else. She always felt soaked. She hadn't felt dry or safe since...since...

And now she's all cold and wet. Her face, her arms, her clothes...her body.

Jenny lowered herself to sit on the edge of the pool. Her ghostly tail went right through the tarp covering the empty pool, and she sat.

Sometimes...sometimes, she could swear she could feel it. The cold, clammy skin of her own decaying corpse...the uncomfortable wood of a casket...was it real? Or just her own imagination haunting her?

She...Jenny was dead. Dead and buried. She knew it. She saw it in the way her friends avoided her name and the uncomfortable shift of the mood in the halls.

Was she really in Hell? Had she been so terrible that she deserved this? Watching life, watching her closest friends move on without her? They hardly seemed upset.

She almost hoped it was. Because if not...that means that this was her legacy. No one to miss her, no one to mourn. An eternity of loneliness.

Jenny couldn't properly feel herself cry, so instead she screamed.

An anguished scream loud enough to wake the dead.

But the dead stay buried. And Jenny is still alone. 

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