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CW: Yucky anxiety/depression thoughts. Stay safe :)

The sound of their phone alarm going off dragged Razz out of their own mind and into the real world. She wasn't sure how long they'd been staring out the window, their mind wandering somewhere they wished they could follow. She turned off the alarm and sighed. She was about to miss some science class she'd reluctantly signed up for. They'd signed up for classes at the last second so...options had been slim.

It felt pointless to go. After all, she hadn't done the homework. It always seemed so easy in the classroom; go back to the dorm and do the worksheet. But all their motivation would disappear as fast as it arrived. And she really didn't feel like facing that failure. Being the only one to not turn in work was so embarrassing. And plus, they'd have to pack their bag and walk to class. It felt impossible.

She'd skipped the last class anyway. There wasn't much point going in when she'd missed the class before.

What was another skipped class?

Razz turned back to the window. They could see students walking to their classes, bags thrown over their shoulders. They all seemed so...ok.

Two girls dressed to the nines laughed together as they crossed the street. A boy in double denim scrolled on his phone. A couple kissed goodbye before splitting for their classes.

Why couldn't she do that?

She'd tried. She had. Hadn't she?


When Razz had first arrived in their new dorm, things were exciting. Her roommate had already set up their side of the room, and Razz had scanned their things looking for anything they had in common.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on YOUR stuff, Razzamatazz?"

Razz turned to their girlfriend, lingering in the doorway with another box. She had a wry smile and tilted her head slightly. It made the braids of her wig fall across her face slightly, and she quickly shook her head to get them out of the way.

Razz couldn't help but smile. She didn't know what she'd have done if their move-in day hadn't fallen on a weekend. Having Cas here to help meant the world. Anything to be able to spend time with her before they have to separate.

They took the box from her and started unpacking. It didn't take long, and the two had the chance to walk through the campus before Cas had to catch their bus back to Rainbow High.

Everything was scary. Starting something new. Being away from your partner. Entering the next phase of life.

"How am I gonna go on without this?" they asked aloud, only half joking.

Cas squeezed her hand and Razz turned to her. "Hey, you'll do just fine, Razamatazz. I know it. And I'll always be just a call away. I promise."

Razz sighed. Somehow everything made sense when it came out of Caspian's mouth. And soon it was time to put that to the test.

As she stood, watching the bus pull away, she did everything she could to commit Caspian's presence to memory. The feeling of holding her hand, of hugging her tightly, of kissing her. Her dark lipstick was still on their hand from when she'd kissed it goodbye.

It was ok. This wasn't goodbye goodbye. They'd be alright.


Having a roommate was interesting. Razz's was named Gloria, and she was nice enough. The two had spent their first day together getting to know each other and adjusting to their new living space.

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