Chapter Four

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I awoke to Mikasa pulling Eren's arms and trying to get him to wake up. We both knew it was no use, though.

"Get off your ass, Eren, we're going to be late to school," she continued to try and get his eyes opened. When everything else failed, she dragged him off of the bench and kicked him hard in the gut.

"What the fuck, Mikasa!" He came charging at her, but she was too quick. She flipped him over with one arm, but helped him get up afterwards.

"You may be able to defeat Levi in a battle, but I'm stronger than you." Eren stood up and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

"Remember what I said to you five years ago when those people kidnapped you?" Mikasa stepped back and made a grunting noise.

"We are not to discuss of that here. Get ready for school." Eren had almost a look of sympathy as he strode over to the woods behind the park.

"I'm changing. Once I'm done, you guys can go where I was." He began to walk down, but stopped shortly in his tracks. "Oh, Armin, I'm assuming you didn't bring any clothes?" I nodded. My clothes weren't that dirty, I could probably go another day. "I have some extra clean clothes you can wear. Hold on a sec, I'll get them."

"No, it's really okay, I mean, I can go another day and just pick up some clothes from my house on the way home that I left there..." I paused and looked towards my feet and wiggled my toes. "I wasn't exactly expecting there to be a crime scene right at my house so I didn't bring anything extra." Eren dug through the extra bag he carried around. So that's why both of them were carrying duffel bags... I thought that was kind of strange but I get it now.

"Here. They might be a little big, it looks like I'm taller than you by a bit, but I'm sure it'l manage for today." He threw to me a plain faded, green t-shirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of blue jeans that would probably be a bit long for my legs but I'm grateful for his generosity.

After what it seemed to be only 30 seconds, Eren came back up from the woods.

"Okay, Mikasa, I'm done. You can go now." Mikasa smiled at Eren. It was the first time I'd ever even seen her lips curl up in the slightest, and she actually had a very pretty smile. She ran down with her blue duffel bag.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you talking about when you and Mikasa were arguing?" Eren looked at me confusedly.

"I forget what I was talking about can you remind me?" He slouched forwards and folded his hands together.

"You said something about what you told her five years ag-"

"Tch..." Eren's fists and teeth were clenched, and his face was turned away. "I'd rather not talk about that right now,"

"I'm sorry, it was rude of me to ask-"

"Why are you always so proper when you talk?" A question I've been asked many times. Numerous times by Levi, but Eren had a different tone. He was always very direct about everything but he was never mean unless he had a motive.

"Uh- I don't know, I guess I've just picked it up from reading old books." Eren nodded and waved at Mikasa, who had just stepped out from the back from one of the trees in the woods. She ran back up and handed me a hairbrush.

"Your hair is almost as long as mine. I'm assuming you'll want to use this?" She looked at me with a faint smile on her lips. I curled my lips upwards and took the brush from her.

"When was the last time you took off that scarf, Mikasa?" Mikasa's eyes drew down to where her scar was, resting on her neck, as she pet the ends of it softly.

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