Chapter Twenty Nine

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I stared up at Eren and I's ceiling fan and replayed memories of the first time I'd ever met Eren. I definitely thought he was a very weird kid. He always slammed his head on the desk and he always got into fights with Jean, but I think I saw something in him before I even got close to him. The fact that he and Mikasa took me in and let me live with them and go through a major adventure with them is probably the most crazy part, though. No, actually, the most crazy part is that we're both still here. We're both still here, laying in the same bed, and sharing the same life. That's the craziest part. I can't even start on how grateful I am that I've met him.

"Good morning, Armin," my train of thought was abruptly stopped by Eren stretching and greeting me. It was a pretty gloomy day, I had to admit, but I always liked the gloomy days over the sunny ones, for some odd reason. I didn't really know why, but I think they always gave me a peaceful vibe that I enjoyed. Less people were out on gloomy days, and that always gave me more confidence.

"Hey," Eren pulled me up so I was closer to his face and hugged me tightly. "I-"

"I love you," Eren held me tightly. I smiled and squeezed Eren back.

"I love you, too," I pulled away and slid off of our bed. I threw on a relatively plain t-shirt whilst Eren did the same shortly afterwards. "When's a good time to leave? Kailey texted me and said she left for school," Eren changed his pants and clipped a watch onto his left wrist.

"We can leave right now if you want."

"Okay!" Eren and I walked down to the front door and went down to our car. Eren drove, and I would drive on the way back. We always did it like that.

Eren drove for about 20 minutes before we finally reached a small little town with many small shops. Eren and I had planned for breakfast in a small non-chained restaurant. It was an Italian place, so we were most likely going to get Pizza or pasta for breakfast. We tend to do things a bit out of order sometimes...

"Hello, gentlemen, may I start you with some drinks?" Gentlement... that still always feels good. After about two minutes of being seated, a young bloke came over to our table and smiled at the both of us.

"Hi, can I please have a lemonade?" the young man wrote down Eren's drink and turned towards me.

"I'll have an unsweetened iced-tea, please." The bloke told us that he'd be back with our drinks shortly.

Sure enough, he came back to our table with our drinks and took our orders, but in our case, we only ordered one large thing to share, which was a pizza for breakfast. I'd actually not had pizza in a while, so I was pretty happy with our choice for our morning-meal.

"We'll have the medium-sized margarita pizza, please," I read from the menu to him. Our waiter nodded and said that our food would be there in about 15 minutes. We smiled back at him but turned back towards each other and made conversation.

Eren looked at me calmly with a small but meaningful grin on his face.

"What else should we do today besides this?" Eren held my hand slyly from under the table and gave me a big, goofy smile. I jumped a bit when his hand made contact with mine. Not because I didn't like it, but because I didn't expect it. "You sly dog," Eren laughed and held our hands in place.

"I think we should just walk around and look at all the stuff around down-town," I nodded at Eren's idea and not long after, our waiter came back with our pizza. Eren took the largest slice and slapped it on his plate. The pizza was messy, so I used a knife and a fork, but Eren, being Eren, tried to use his hands at first but since it had a lot of sauce, he converted to his utensils. It was actually pretty amusing watching him attempt to eat that giant slice with his hands.

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