Chapter Nineteen

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Eren and I began to board our plane to Quebec. Eren let me have the window seat because he knew that I felt uncomfortable if I was next to people I didn't know and not against a wall. I don't really know why I feel uncomfortable, but it's always kind of been part of my OCD along with a whole bunch of other neurotic stuff. We only brought one suitcase, but we shoved a bunch of other stuff in our carry-ons so we didn't have to pay extra money. I shifted in my seat and lifted up the arm rest between Eren and I. Eren put his arm around me and I rested against his side. Eren put a blanket over us. I pulled out my Gameboy and started playing Pokemon. Eren started sleeping once the plane left because we barely got any sleep the night before.

I must have fallen alseep in the first hour of the flight because the man sitting next to Eren woke both of us up.

"Hey, can you guys stop doing that? My daughter is sitting right there and she can see you." I opened my eyes and looked at the man. His daughter, who was sitting in the aisle next to us with the man's wife, was staring at Eren and I confusedly.

"Doing what?" Eren put a sassy ring on the end of the 'what' to sound more dramatic.

"Holding each other like that; you're sending my daughter a bad message," Eren gave him the biggest 'bitch please' face he could possibly make and pointed at a straight couple in the aisle ahead.

"Those people are holding each other just like we are, I bet your daughter over here can see them. Why don't you go talk to them?" The man started to get a bit angry at Eren.

"That is a man and a woman, and my daughter won't get a bad message from them. You are a man and a man. That's different and it's sin. I don't want my daughter witnessing sins like this is such a public place. She'll think it's okay," Eren rolled his eyes.

"No, fuck you, man," Eren turned his back on the man and closed his eyes again. I tried to do the same, but the man next to us just wouldn't give up the fight.

"I don't want my daughter seeing stuff like this!" Eren turned back around and flipped the man off. The man's eyes narrowed and he grabbed Eren's shoulders and turned Eren around so he was facing him. "Hey, listen to me, mate, if you want me to leave you guys alone then you better stop acting all gay around my daughter. You're brainwashing her!" I sat up and grabbed Eren's hand. Eren turned towards me and kissed me while making eye contact with the man the whole time. It was quite amusing, if I do say so myself.

The man gaped at us.

"Daddy, why are those two boys kissing?" the man turned to the little girl.

"Don't worry, they'll go to hell someday. That'll teach them not to go against god." Eren rolled his eyes and put his arm back around me. Eren brought his lips close to my ear and whispered something.

"Hey, on the bright side, you're passing great. They didn't think you were a girl," I smiled up at Eren and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey!" This man could not give us a break...

"What do you want?" 

"I heard that and I know what it means!" Eren spoke through his clenched teeth.

"Oh yeah? Then what does it mean?" 

"It means that your little boyfriend over here's a tranny-fag! That's even worse! He's going to have his own place in hell where all the genetically deformed freaks like her will go!" Eren gave him a blank face before saying anything.

"You really don't make hell sound so bad. You make it sound like a giant gay bar," the man growled slightly. "and we love going to gay bars."

"Shut your trap! We both know that she's a girl. That makes you straight and her a freak! You'll both go to hell!"

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