Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Are you ready for your first day of Kindergarten, Kailey?" Kailey grabbed my hand and smiled up at me. She had her nearly-black hair tied up into two pig-tails tied with pink hair ties. She wore a yellow sundress around her small frame with little yellow sandles with daisies on them.

"Yeah!" Kailey took a hold of Eren's hand so we were either side of her and walked her into her Kindergarten classroom. All parents were invited to come, so Eren and I decided to cancel work for both of us so we could go to Kailey's first day. It was more than just her first day of Kindergarten, though. Today was her first day of her social transition, too. I recognized some of Kailey's old classmates from pre-school, and remembered that they remember her as a boy. It was going to be hard for her if any of her classmates find out, but she's lucky that she's so young. People at her age are much more open-minded.

Eren and I sat down and introduced Kailey to the teacher. I had sent the teacher an email regarding Kailey's gender and name. Since it says male and 'Kai' on her information, I had to, otherwise Kailey wouldn't be called the right name and pronouns at school.

"Ah, the..." she stumbled with our last name. "Arlert-Jaegers? Did I pronounce that correctly?" Eren and I both nodded and she continued. "I see you brought in your... I'm sorry, is your kid a boy or a girl? I'm new with this stuff, so the email kind of confused me a bit, but I'll learn."

"Kailey is our daughter. She wants to be called Kailey and her pronouns are she/her/her/etc." The teacher there nodded and wrote something down on her attendance clipboard. 

"Alright. I know someone with the same condition, but she was never treated for it in time." Condition? Not treated for it on time? What the fuck is this woman talking about?

"What do you mean? What condition?" I admit, I sounded harsh, but it was just so insanely easy to offend a transgender person, it's ridiculous. I just happened to be transgender myself, and that just happened to be very offencive. 

"Oh, my niece is a transvestite as well! She's taking hormones now, though, so her voice is lower." Transvestite? That also just so happens to be extremely offencive towards transgender people. We are not transvestites, thank you very much, intelligent cisgendered person. If her niece is taking hormones to make her voice lower, wouldn't that make her niece her nephew?

"Transvestite?!" the lady nodded and smiled at me, obviously oblivious to the fact that I was not smiling at her. No. Hello no. I was angry at her for being so god damn stupid.

"She's doing wel--"

"Okay, we can pick up Kailey when school lets out." The lady nodded and looked at Eren, for he was the one who'd replied.

"That's wonderful! If she's not busy, I would love to meet Kailey's mother." Eren grimaced and rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me, miss, but we have the same last name." Kailey's teacher eyed us up and down and then a light-bulb finally went off in her mind.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I think I must have mistaken you for close friends or maybe one of you was Kailey's uncle! I apologise!" The British in her voice rang out through all the rest of everything I could hear. There were some British people who barely emphasised their words, there were some who were neutral like Eren and I, and there were some like this lady who completely and utterly expressed every single syllable in the most annoying, most high-pitched and overly-cheery way she could. I did not like her. I did not like her one bit.

Eren and I led ourselves back to our car and drove back to our small little home. There were little words on the drive home, but when we got home we had a relatively small conversation.

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