Chapter Nine

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My day began with the feeling of Eren's snoring head resting heavily on my shoulder. We were in a rather reversed positioning, considering Eren's legs were nearly curled onto my lap and both his arms were wrapped around my torso. Since he was 3 or 4 inches taller than me, his head was still high enough to have the ability of comfort on my shoulder. Usually we were the other way around, though. Since I was slimmer around the waist and shoulders, and also significantly shorter than him, he was usually the dominion. Basically, I was the cuddle and he was the coddle, but somehow while we were sleeping we managed to flip that system around.

Eren awoke about ten minutes later with an alarmingly loud snore, which was rather amusing. His di-colored eyes fluttered open and met with mine the second he saw me, but his senses came to action and he looked rather confused.

"Why am I sitting on you?" He flung his legs off of my thighs and pulled me onto his lap, as it usually played out.

"That's what I was going to ask, but I didn't really mind," Eren's lips curled up into a smile.

"The sun's light is hitting your eyes perfectly right now," he brought a small blush to my face with his complement. My cheeks didn't get nearly as red as they used to in the beginning of the year, and Eren stopped blushing completely. We were nearing complete comfort around each other, so we never felt embarrased when we did something stupid in front of each other. For example, falling down the creek, as Eren did nearly every day.

"I've been meaning to ask you," I slunk my back onto his chest and pulled both of his arms around my ribcage. "Your eyes are two different colors." Eren's expression of confusion was so priceless that I almost forgot what I was talking about. Eren cocked his head to the side and squinted his eyes at the sun.

"Was that supposed to be a question?" my smile almost turned into a laugh as his logic stung me.

"I didn't ask yet, bozo," he threw a goofy smile on his face and squeezed me. "Is it heterochromia?" His head bobbed up and down into a nodding motion.

"Yeah, when I was born, they were both green, but when I turned two, my right eye started to turn a bit yellow and now it's completely amber."

"That's so cool! The first thing I noticed about you was your eyes. I've always thought they were stunning," Eren blushed, to my surprise, and bit his lip.

"Th-thanks," Out of the whole time I've known Eren, not once have I heard him stutter. He had always been very clear with his words, and sure as hell was confident about them.

"What's wrong?" Eren's glance dashed back to mine, and he looked pretty timid. Knowing Eren, it would take me a while to get whatever has been bothering him out of his mouth.

"Nothing, I'm just tired," Eren closed his eyes and squeezed his arms around my waist. My sigh was long and dramatic, and I was hoping it to affect Eren the way I plan it to.

"Will you tell me when you feel comfortable? Maybe later on today?" Eren exhaled a sigh, as I had just, and looked down to the ground at his bare feet.

"Fine," Eren rubbed the back of his neck briefly before standing up and stretching his back. "So, what do you want to do today?" My shoulders shrugged and slumped back while I yawned.

"Maybe just hang out in the woods or something. I guess we could also look for some new places around the woods to see if we can build a better shelter than the back of a tree," Eren's eyes shut tight as he responded to my yawn with an extremely long and dramatic one. It's intensity nearly brought natural tears to his eyes.

"That sounds good. My back does kind of hurt from always being against a tree." I giggled, knowing that my back was never to a tree because it was always against Eren's chest.

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