Chapter Eleven

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"Eren," Mikasa stood by the both of us and tried, but failed, to wake Eren up. I had been awake for a while now, and I was already ready for school, but getting Eren to the same reality was much more difficult. "Don't just sit there, help me wake him up," I groaned but pulled on Eren's sleeve in unison with Mikasa.

"Hey Eren," I heard slight grunting noises coming from Eren.


"Wake the fuck up," Eren pulled himself so his knees were bent on the ground but his back was arched backwards. He made a high-pitched scream that sounded like it came straight from the exorcist. "What the hell was that."

"I was stretching," Mikasa glared at him but burst into a smile before long. "Hehe," Eren giggled and threw his shirt on the ground. "Mikasa, look I have a six-pack!"

"It only looks like that because we don't have any food. When people get really skinny, their muscles show through their skin because there is no fat. I bet Armin even has a six-pack." Both of them pointed their heads at me. Shit.

"I, uh, yeah I do but it's only for the same reason."

"Can I see?" Eren prowled his way towards me and sat in front of me, looking a lot like a desperate child.

"I, uh, no." if I was biologically male, I would  be walking around all the time with no shirt, but I'm not. I don't even feel comfortable in just a binder because of my feminine frame. and where there is a six-pack, there are hips... female hips are a lot different then male hips and I have female hips... so...

"I'm sorry," he searched his bag for a shirt and threw on one of mine on accident. "Holy shit, Armin, you're so much smaller than I thought!"

"Well that would make sense considering estrogen made my body and bones be smaller than a regular male's,"

"That makes you nicer to hold," I could tell that a tint of pink formed on my cheeks, but I was close enough to him that I didn't really care if he saw. Eren peeled my shirt off of his chest and threw it at me.

"This was your only clean shirt in the bag, so you might as well wear it," I nodded and grabbed a pair of jeans and ran a little deeper into the forest so I could go change. I took off the shirt I had previously been wearing. I looked down and saw the way my binder fit on me. It felt a lot bigger than it had at the beginning of the year. Wearing binders for an extended period of time does make breast size on biological females decrease a lot, but I've also lost an exquisite amount of weight this year and think that I'm close to nearly flat now. I was already underweight before this year, though. I also haven't had 'that-time-of-the-month' in over 7 months now so that probably means my body is starving.

An hour passed and the three of us were at school already. Eren and I were sitting next to each other in home room and telling stupid "why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes. To us it was incredibly amusing because of how stupid they were. 

"Hey look, it's faggot Eren and his tranny girlfriend!" Eren didn't even have to hear the full sentence before he sprang out of his chair and stormed towards Levi.

"Eren, please ignore him pleas-"

"No! Leave him the fuck alone!" Levi smirked and tried to pin Eren to a wall, but when Eren's mad, you can't beat him in a strength battle. He may not have big muscles or anything, but with adrenaline pumping through his veins, he's a fucking tank. Eren slammed all five foot two inches of Levi against the wall behind him and made sure he stayed there. "So what if he's trans? He's still got more balls than you ever will!"

"At least I actually have balls." 

"Say that to his face! I'll fuck you up, man!" It was hard for me to watch this happen again... especially because they haven't gotten in a fight in such a long time. Levi rolled his eyes and moved Eren's hand from his shoulder.

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