Chapter Twenty Two

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Eren and I finally made it to Cheshire after 7 long hours of driving. I drove half of the way there, and in the middle of our way there, we switched off. It was the middle of the day when we got there and checked into our hotel.

"Armin and Eren Arlert-Jaeger?"

"That's us," the woman at the front desk checked off our names and gave us our room key.

"What brings you guys to Cheshire? We don't get many travelers."

"It's our honeymoon." The woman there looked us up and down but didn't question us.

"Honeymoon? What brings you to Cheshire for your honeymoon?"

"We grew up here," the woman smiled.

"That's sweet," Eren and I smiled at her and waved. She waved back at us and Eren and I made our way to the elevator.

The elevator took us up to the second floor and once we found our room, we shoved our suitcase in and pulled out all of our clothes. Eren and I brought our bathing suits because there was a small pool in the back of the hotel that only guests of the hotel can use. Eren and I put our bathing suits on and went to the pool. Once we got into the pool, we took our shirts off. I used to not go to pools at all because I was so dysphoric about my chest even if I wore a binder in the water. The binders didn't work very well in the water because when you get wet, shirts stick to you in certain places making certain things visible. Ever since I've gotten top surgery, I've been able to do things like lounge around with my shirt off because I really didn't care. I had no chest dysphoria anymore.

Eren and I stuck our toes in the water but immediately pulled our toes back out.

"It's so cold!" I exclaimed. Eren stood up, as did I. I regretted standing up, though, because the second I did so, Eren pushed me into the freezing cold water.

"Hahahah!" Eren felt like a total hot shot, so I pulled myself out of the water.

"You bastard," Eren was laughing too hard to realize me come up behind him. I pushed him into the water and he fell in on his side. He lifted his head up from the water and rubbed the water out of his eyes. He leaned up, grabbed my arm, and pulled me in with him. I fell on top of him in the water and he pulled both of us to shore and pushed me against the side of the pool. He pushed my wet hair out of my eyes and brought his lips to mine. The pool was empty, so we didn't have to worry about homophobic people telling us that we're going to hell.

"First one to the shallow end wins!" Eren began swimming as fast as he could to the other side before I had a chance to process what he said. It was already to late to race, though, because he was at the other side before I started swimming. Eren swam back to me and pulled me with him to the shallow end. Since the water was pretty salty, I could open my eyes under water.

Eren pulled me under with him and waved at me underwater.

"You're a nerd," I said after we floated back to the surface of the water.

The sun was setting and it was getting pretty dark outside, but it was still light enough to see. Eren and I were back at the deep end and I was pinned against a wall by Eren and we were making out. It was not that intensely, considering our feet couldn't touch the ground, but it was more than just kissing.

I heard a group of three teenage girls walk into the pool with very revealing bathing suits. I heard one of them sneer as she sat her bag down on one of the pool chairs.

"Ew," one of the girls looked at her nails and then and Eren and I. Eren pulled away as soon as he heard the girl.

"The last time I saw fags in public was at my uncle's wedding."

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