Chapter Twenty Six

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It's been a long time in my head since I last came back to Eren. He's been doing a bit better with his drinking problem. He hasn't drunk anything since I last came and he's stayed sobre the whole time, so that's a plus. Eren and I still haven't really reverted back to our old cheery selves in our good old relationship, but hey, are we supposed to so quickly? With the long days and the short chain of events, I've thought it'd been a long time since I came back.

But four days isn't really a very long time.

Eren had not been sleeping very much, I have noticed. He's also been quite finicky with his food lately. He either just won't eat his food, or he'll pick off most of the food that's put in front of him. He's not taking care of himself in the sense that if I bet if I left him alone for a month he wouldn't eat anything. It's not because he thinks he's fat or anything, he actually wants to bulk up a bit, but it's purely because he's hasn't got the level of consciousness or strong enough senses to feel hunger or to feel tired.

But the worst part about that is, if I left him alone, not only would he not eat or sleep, but he would get straight back into alcoholism. He told me, after all.

Last night Eren and I had watched a movie together at a local movie theatre, and Eren had hesitantly put his arm around me midway through the movie and I let him. It was a pretty big step, considering our real relationship has been on what I liked to call a break. We weren't broken up, but we were definitely not in a very intimate relationship. Every once and a while Eren would still flirt with me a little bit, but it's certainly not what it used to be.

"We need to go to the store and buy some food," I piped up and made sure Eren woke up. I opened my eyes to realise I didn't even need to wake him up, for he was already awake. "Oh, good morning." Eren jolted his head towards the window and opened up the blinds.

"Holy shit, I didn't know it was morning!" he closed the blind again and unshielded his eyes. "I think we're fine on food for now."

"Eren, you've been eating protein-powder in water for your meals three times a day! That's not food."

"I ate a yoghourt yesterday, actually." I rolled my eyes and did the same out of bed. I threw a random t-shirt on and a random pair of pants that I think were actually Eren's. Oh well. Eren through on some of his clothes and sat down at the breakfast table and stirred himself a glass of water with a scoop of protein powder.

"Please actually eat something. You're getting really skinny and you told me that you wanted to build up your muscles." Eren nodded and pointed to the powder.

"Yeah, that's why I'm drinking protein powder. It helps me build muscles." I stared at him blankly for a while until I felt like my comment was going to change his mind.

"But you need to eat some solid food, too. You're not going to get any sort of muscles by just drinking water all the time."

"With protein powder!" I rolled my eyes and headed for the front door.

"But we're seriously out of food. We need to go to the store." Eren nodded and put his cup in the dish washer and left with me.

Once we got to the store, I put a bunch of random shit I found in the aisles into the cart and Eren and I made our way towards the check out.

"Hello, gentlemen," it didn't matter how long you've been identifying as male. When a stranger calls you and addresses you by male pronouns, it feels awesome. "Do you have an advantage card with you?" The cashier looked at Eren.

"No." Eren swiped a credit card along a scanner and began doing his signature. 

"Okay. Would you like to sign up for one today-"

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