Author's Note

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As the title suggests, this is essentially a rewrite of the first CG movie. But with the major change of you, the reader, playing the important role of being a guardian to Maya and Willy.

Your characterization in this will be more akin to that of a grumpy old man (or bug in this case, har har), who is initially annoyed with being involved in Maya's antics before warming up to her and Willy over the course of the story, eventually adopting the role of protector for the bee duo.

And while your insect species and height are predetermined (you'll be a crane fly the same height as Flip), features such as eye color and body color are entirely up to your own imagination.

And lastly, and this should be obvious at this point but just in case there's any misconceptions, there is no romance between Y/N and Maya and/or Willy since your character will be an adult insect. A familial bond is the most appropriate descriptor for how the relationship will be.

So with that all said, let's get this book started properly!

Also I own nothing, Maya the Bee and all characters from her franchise belong to Studio 100. No profiting is being done, I was just bored and spent my free time working on this for the amusement of any Maya the Bee fan who decides to check this out.

(My first fanfiction on this website, and it's about Maya the friggin' Bee. What a way to start my writing career on here.)

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now