Chapter 15 (Finale)

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The sounds of trumpets blare throughout the hive as everyone welcomes and claps for Maya, Willy, Sting and Y/N. All four approach the Queen who has been eagerly anticipating them. She calls for the crowd to simmer down before speaking.

Queen: Willy and Sting, for bravery and services to bee-kind, I declare you both Hive Heroes.

The Queen awards them blue sashes that fit around their shoulder and body, as the crowd cheers for them. Hank nearly cries again while Maya laughs happily. Y/N chuckles as he claps for Willy, proud of seeing how far he's come.

Hank: That's my boy!

Queen: Maya.

Maya is unable to contain her joy as she rushes up and hugs her tightly, much to the shock of everyone in attendance. The Queen laughs heartily, calming everyone else down as they sigh in relief.

Queen: My dear bees, Maya has taught us that we have a great deal to learn. The meadow belongs to all bugs. Not just to bees or hornets. Every bug has a role to play.

Maya: Ooh, and me, Miss Queen? What about me? Do I have a role?

Queen: Of course, Maya. And a very important role, too. I hereby declare you Hive Ambassador. You will discover new things about the meadow and report back to us.

Maya is ecstatic as she smiles bright, while Y/N looks at her with a grin. To think, she was just a little girl still and already she's the ambassador for an entire hive. He felt so proud of her.

Maya: And I really am a normal little bee?

Queen: Oh, no. You are a very special little bee.

Maya: Yes!

She kisses the Queen's cheek before laughing, looking back at everyone and especially Y/N. Her big bright smile was visible to all.

Maya: I fit in! Did you hear the Queen? There's a place for me in the hive!

Y/N chuckles again before walking up to her and ruffling up her hair, smiling at her proudly as she giggles.

Y/N: I sure did. And I couldn't be more proud of ya, kid.

Maya smiles widely at him before pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek as well, with everyone awing at the moment while Y/N laughs. He returns the hug before looking back at the Queen who was smiling at him softly. Releasing Maya, he flutters up to the Queen.

Queen: And finally, Y/N. For your acts of heroism for protecting both Maya and Willy from danger while in the meadow, I hereby grant you the title of Hive Guardian. You are free to live here in the hive should you choose to do so.

Y/N widens his eyes in surprise before smiling brightly at last, bowing before the Queen. A sage green collar now rests around his neck, courtesy of the Queen.

Y/N: I'm honored, Your Majesty. Thank you.

Queen: And furthermore, you are also the recognized guardian to both Maya and Willy. You have my full trust that you will ensure their safety, should any danger befall them.

Y/N: Easier done than said, Your Majesty. I'd be sure to keep 'em both safe regardless of the title.

He looks back at Maya and Willy, giving them both a confident smile. They return the smile before Maya hugs Y/N once again, as does Willy. Everybody claps once more as Y/N hugs both bees. The role of guardian, huh?

Not a bad role to have at all.

Queen: Now then, with all of that said and done; hit it, Flip!

Flip: Let's boogie!

As Flip's band starts to play, everybody finds a dance partner as the celebration goes underway. Everyone except for Buzzlina, who arrives with honey cakes that are quickly devoured by aphids.

Crawley: Buzz buzz, 127! More honey cakes, pronto!

Buzzlina growls before leaving once again, and everyone continues to boogie until Kurt's voice is heard. Everybody stops, fearing the worst until they realize what he brought was a ball of pollen, and let out a collective sigh of relief.

Kurt: I love this party!

Everyone resumes dancing as Arnie and Barney play around with the pollen ball. Maya giggles as she twirls around and sees everyone having fun, much to her joy. Y/N, who was dancing next to her, smiled as he ruffled her hair a bit to get her attention.

Y/N: Ya know, kid. I never did finish what I meant to say back in the prison.

Maya looks at him curiously.

Maya: What was it?

Y/N: That no matter how bleak something is, even when it seems like all hope is lost, it's always important to hold onto a piece of optimism. A little bit is enough to keep ya going with your head held high. And you kid...

He then points his finger at Maya's chest, where her heart was while speaking in a fatherly tone.

Y/N: Have a lot of optimism in ya. Never, ever lose it.

Maya's eyes dazzle a bit before she smiles brightly and hugs Y/N again, who proudly returns the hug before lifting her up into the air as she cheers. They both laugh as they twirl in place, enjoying the party atmosphere until the voice of a guard interrupts it.

Guard Captain: Your Majesty! Reports of new bugs in the meadow!

Everyone is surprised by the news, and all turn to look at Maya and Y/N.

Flip: Well, we should send someone out to greet them. Shouldn't we?

Maya looks around as they give her approving smiles, and she looks at Y/N who smiles as well.

Y/N: What do ya say, Maya? Ready for another adventure?

Queen: Maya?

Maya smiles confidently before saluting the Queen, as Y/N lets her go so she could fly freely. He soon joins her in the air as he salutes the Queen as well.

Y/N: Maya and Y/N, rolling out, Your Majesty! Let's fly, kid!

The two zip out of the room as the crowd cheers, though a nervous Willy is quick to follow after them. Maya cheers as she flies through the meadow, with Y/N flying close beside her while laughing all the way. They stop momentarily when they hear Willy calling out for them.

Willy: I forgot to tell you the most important bee-saying of all; 'You should always wait for Willy.'

Maya giggles while Y/N chuckles and ruffles up Willy's hair as well, smiling at him.

Y/N: Now that's a good saying, Willy. Now don't ya worry, we ain't gonna leave ya behind.

Maya flies off once more as Willy quickly follows, calling for her to slow down. Y/N chuckles again before racing to catch up with them. He didn't know what kind of new adventure he was embarking on.

But one thing's for certain; he was going to make sure Maya and Willy were both safe under his watch.

The End

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now