Chapter 11

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Willy: G-G-Gorgo's Den!?

Maya: Which way is the hive, Flip?

Willy: Wait, we're going back to the hive?

Y/N: We can explain later.

Flip: Straight through Gorgo's land.

Maya flies up, but Flip quickly advises her not to do so. Y/N lets out a wince as he stands back up, remembering that his right leg was still injured as he hovers above the ground with his wings.

Flip: We need to go around it, Maya.

Willy: Yeah, listen to him!

Maya: But this is the quickest way! We have no time!

Y/N: Not that I want to get right back into danger immediately, but she does have a point. The sooner we get back to the hive, the sooner we can warn the true Queen what's going on.

Willy: Wait, huh? What's going on with the Queen?

Maya: Exactly! The Queen needs our help, Willy! C'mon!

Both Maya and Y/N move on ahead as Flip comments about how full of spark she is before hopping to catch up. Willy can only whine a bit before quickly catching up with them.

Willy: We're so gonna get eaten. I just know it...!

Meanwhile in the hive, a large crowd gathers around for an important announcement being relayed by Crawley wearing a guard helmet.

Crawley: Ahem! Attention, royal bees! I regret to inform you that after a long battle with illness, our beloved Queen is not quite one hundred percent.

The crowd is confused at first, with Kassandra being among them as Crawley further elaborates.

Crawley: Uhm, that is to say, well, she has buzzed off to the big hive in the sky. She has passed away...

The entire crowd gasps in despair, chattering and murmuring over the terrible news.

Crawley: But every hive needs a strong leader. And that is why I, your new hive master, am honored to announce our new Queen. Buzzlina, the Conqueror!

Crawley claps for Buzzlina as she makes her presence known, wearing the Queen's crown and wielding her scepter proudly while the audience is left perplexed. Was this really true? Buzzlina was chosen to be Queen?

Buzzlina: My dear bees, let us pause to remember our beloved leader. We all know who is responsible for this grave injustice: The filthy hornets!

The crowd gasps as Buzzlina continues further with her speech.

Buzzlina: First our poor gentle Queen, and next our hive! Are we going to let them get away with it?

The entire crowd, with the exception of Kassandra, collectively cry out 'No' as they all become riled up into a frenzy.

Buzzlina: At first light, we'll run those horrid buzz-boxes out of our meadow. This is for the Queen!

As the crowd roars in agreement, Kassandra looks around horrified as Buzzlina leads the horde out of the room to prepare for battle.

Kassandra: Maya and Willy are still out there...

Back in Gorgo's Land, the gang continue making their way through it as quickly as possible, all while Willy continues to look terrified as the creaking of wood grows louder.

Willy: That's Gorgo's belly! He's hungry, Maya! Let's just turn back!

Maya: C'mon, Willy! This way!

Maya flies further ahead of them, right past a conveniently shaped set of vines that formed a monstrous face. Y/N keeps an eye on Maya as she nears an opening that leads back to the surface.

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now