Chapter 4

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After a short trek through the meadow, Y/N, Maya and Flip arrive at the hive. Wanting to be discreet, Flip makes sure to land at the side of the hive where a small hole big enough to squeeze Maya through is present. All the while, Maya continues to plead to stay outside.

Maya: It's all so big and sunshiney out here, and it smells so nice! Can't I stay out here with you two?

Y/N: Trust me, kid. It's nice and all until it gets dark. You'll be safe here.

Flip: Indeed! Now in ya go, little buzzer! We've got to hop, the bees don't like it when other bugs hang around their hive.

Y/N: Yep. I learned that one the hard way. Rather not go into detail about it here, though.

Maya whines softly as she is pushed back into the hive, looking at the two with a hopeful gaze.

Maya: Will I ever see you two again?

Flip: Sure ya will! Whenever ya want the low-down on the meadow, just call old Flip!

Y/N: As for me, well, I tend to move around a lot, so the chances of us meeting again is slim to...

Before Y/N could finish his sentence, the sight of Maya's eyes starting to well up a little with visible tears forced him to stop. If there was one thing that could sting even his apathetic heart, it was the sight of a crying child. He sighs softly.

Y/N: Below the spot where the purple flower was at. Ya know, where ya crashed into me during our first meeting. I'll more than likely be there. Just, don't be sad, kid, alright? We'll see each other again, I promise.

This cheered Maya up, and she held her hand out in the form of a fist while brimming with joy at him. Y/N blinks before extending his own balled up hand forward and fist bumps her. Flip and Maya laugh softly while Y/N simply rolls his eyes a bit.

Y/N: Sheesh...guilt tripped by a kid...

Flip: Furthermore, you can find me at-

Before Flip could finish his sentence, a piece of leaf blocks the window as a worker bee looks down at a startled Maya.

Dismissive Bee: Bees don't talk to other bugs!

Maya: They weren't just other bugs, that was Flip and Y/N!

Flip: See ya next time! Hee-hop!

As Flip bounces away, Y/N speaks again.

Y/N: Remember, kid! The purple flower with moss!

Maya: But wait! I wanna go with you!

Maya tears back the leaf so she could see Y/N, holding her hand out towards him before being pulled back again by the now angry worker bee. The sight of which ticks off Y/N more than it should have.

Y/N: Hey, cool it, buster! She's just a kid!

Dismissive Bee: And you're an unwelcome bug! Now get lost before I call the guards!

Y/N: Alright, I'm goin', I'm goin'!

Y/N quickly flies off as Maya calls out to him once more. As he flies away, he frowns as he realizes how he reacted to seeing that bee treat Maya. It just didn't sit right with him seeing someone push a kid around like that. He shakes his head though as he returns to his nest, sighing while rubbing his head.

Y/N: C'mon, Y/N. It's just some bee. Not like she was your kid or something...I'm sure she'll be fine. Now to fix up this mess...

Back in the hive, a now upset Maya talks to herself while mimicking the bee from earlier in a mocking tone.

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now