Chapter 12

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The gang finally arrived at the hive, which was now bustling with activity as a swarm of bees flew all around it. Though they were at a distance, they all had worried looks on their faces.

Y/N: I've seen hives buzzing like that with activity before. And never for a good reason...

Pressing onwards, they arrive at the hive entrance that had two guards present. While Maya and Willy enter with ease, both Flip and Y/N are stopped by the guards.

Guard 1: Halt! Bees only!

Flip: But we have to speak to the Queen!

Guard 2: How do we know you're not a hornet spy?

Y/N: How do you even know what a hornet spy is? To you, it'd probably just be any bug that isn't a bee!

Flip pats Y/N on the shoulder to calm him down before taking the reins of the discussion.

Flip: How do we know you're not a frog in fluffy pajamas? Eh?

The guards are unimpressed as they continue barring the path, much to the duo's dismay.

Flip: Mmh, tough crowd.

Y/N: You're tellin' me.

Guard 2: Sorry, Queen's orders!

Maya: Flip! Y/N!

Y/N: Just keep going, kids! We'll be out here waiting for ya!

Maya frowns softly before nodding her head, as she and Willy head further into the hive in search of the Queen. Y/N takes a step back while Flip tries to humor the guards to no avail. It's then he sees an open hole just big enough for him to slip through.

Y/N: I think it's time to pull a Maya and be wild, Y/N.

After some searching, Maya and Willy find the door to the Queen's chambers, which was guarded by two more bees.

Maya: How are we gonna slip past them?

Willy: Don't worry, Maya. I've got this.

Willy sneaks his way off to the side before getting the guards' attention. As part of the distraction, he breaks into a freestyle beatbox dance about himself. The guards stare at him in confusion, allowing Maya to sneak past them with ease. Before she enters, she compliments Willy's dance moves before quickly ducking into the chambers. Willy laughs nervously before leaving as well, the guards still left confused by the stunt.

Maya makes her way through to Queen's throne room before spotting Buzzlina, mistaking her for the true queen as she slowly approaches her.

Maya: Your Majesty, you're better!

Buzzlina turns to look at Maya, and both are surprised by each other's identities.

Buzzlina: 396!? But, that isn't possible!

Maya: Why is the golden hat on your head? Where's the Queen?

Buzzlina simply chortles before answering her.

Buzzlina: You're looking at her. Guards!

Maya: What have you done with her?!

Crawley: Coming, Your Highnessness! I've brought hot honey cakes! Your favorite!

Crawley then realizes Maya was in the room, dropping the cakes in surprise as more guards arrive. He looks rather relieved to see her in one piece.

Crawley: Maya, you're still alive! That', very very serious indeed.

Buzzlina's glare causes him to change his words quickly before getting Maya's attention again.

Buzzlina: Don't you know? Our dear Queen...has passed away.

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now