Chapter 8

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The trio float up to the top of a log, where they can hear a myriad of voices singing creepily.

Willy: I've got a bad feeling about this. And I don't frighten easily!

Maya: Oh don't be such a fluff belly! They sound tiny. Hello?

As she calls out for the voices, it all goes silent. She, Willy and Y/N look down the dark hole for a while. No response is heard, even as Maya continues to speak.

Maya: Don't be scared, little ones! We're just looking for directions.

Willy: Okay. No one there. Let's go.

Maya: Oh Willy, c'mon!

Maya flies down through the hole, with Willy and Y/N following close behind as the three land on a broken piece of bark. It's only then that they are greeted by a large moth who descends down onto the platform. All three have to look up at him still, with Y/N in particular on the defensive due to being dwarfed in size.

Moth: Visitors! Say hello, my children!

The room suddenly lights up with the voices of numerous moth larvae, greeting the trio in a chorus of 'Hello'.

Moth: And just in time for breakfast, too! And I'm hungry...!

Maya and Willy both start to back away from him, becoming frightened and hiding behind Y/N. He gulped a bit as he too was nervous about the moth. The moth's threatening demeanor suddenly lightens up as he smiles at them.

Moth: How about you guys? We've got some rotten fruit!

He places down a disgusting looking pile of purple and greenish fruit, that was most certainly rotten. Much to the visible disgust of the trio.

Moth: So, what brings you all to the House of Moth?

Maya: We're um, looking for a bug called Flip.

Moth: The grasshopper? Cool! He'll be cutting loose at the big party.

This excites Maya, who pushes past Y/N to be closer to the moth while Willy still stays behind him as he shivered.

Maya: Ooh, a party? How do we get there?

Moth: Easy! Wait for the sun to set, and then you fly straight till you find a bright light. And just go round, and round, and round, and round...

He repeats the word as his children choir join in, and the trio look at him and their surroundings nervously.

Maya: I think we need different directions, you two.

Willy: I agree.

Y/N: Definitely. Let's skedaddle.

After leaving the House of Moth, they spot a dung beetle pushing around a large ball of dung.

Maya: Maybe he knows where the party is!

Willy: Maya, that's a dung beetle! They say one whiff of that ball can knock a bee right out of the sky.

Y/N: Well, if that ends up happening, it just means I'll have to swoop in and catch one of ya.

Maya: Aw c'mon, how bad can it be?

As they fly closer to the dung beetle, Maya unfortunately gets a whiff of it before freezing mid-air. She naturally falls to the ground, only to be caught by a quick-thinking Y/N before she could end up face first into the dirt. He sighs before scrunching his nose up as a result of catching the scent of the dung as well.

Y/N: Lemme do the talking this time. Hey, dung beetle! Got a question for ya!

Surprised, the dung beetle turns around and faces him, using his back to keep the dung ball from rolling away.

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ