Chapter 7

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Morning had finally arrived, dew coating many of the flowers and leaves in the meadow. In the flower where the trio were holed up in, Y/N looks at Maya and Willy with a tired look as the two were still playing their drawn-out game of grub, leaf, rock to determine who would look outside for threats.

Maya/Willy: Grub, leaf, rock!

Maya: I win again! Caterpillar eats your leaf. Nom, nom, nom! Now you have to look outside.

Willy: Well, about another round? Best seven out of, erm, thirteen?

Not wanting to see this continue any further, Y/N gets their attention by waving his arms side to side.

Y/N: Okay, okay, time out! If you're gonna keep dragging this out, kid, then I'll just look outside myself! Can't stay holed up in here forever.

Maya and Willy blink in surprise as Y/N pushes up the flower petals to peek outside. They're greeted by what looks like a pair of eyes, causing Willy to panic and jump up into Maya's arms again.

Willy: Ahhh!! Monster!!

Undeterred, Y/N pushes the petals further to see that the eyes were actually just a pair of butterfly wings facing them. The butterfly simply flutters away, completely unaware of the trio as Y/N looks back at Willy with a deadpan look.

Y/N: It was just a butterfly, kid. She didn't even notice us. Er, he didn't. Look, the point is they didn't see us. We're alright.

Willy: Ooh. Well, uhm, good work, Y/N! You sure showed them who's boss! If it was a monster, though, I totally would've helped you shoo 'em away! Hit them with an attack shriek.

Y/N simply rolls his eyes while Maya giggles and pats Willy on the back.

Maya: Thank you, my protectors.

She also pats Y/N on the head, much to his surprise as she flies out of the flower. Willy, on the other hand, is still hesitant as he slowly crawls out.

Willy: So where is this grasshopper friend of yours?

Maya: Uhm...somewhere in the meadow?

Y/N: I really wish he at least told me where he'd be at before hopping away...

Willy: That narrows it down...

Maya: I guess we're gonna need to ask some bugs for directions!

As she flies off in search of insects, Willy whines nervously as he follows after her. Y/N flies behind them closely as he looks around warily.

Willy: Maya, you're so gonna get us all eaten...!

Back in the hornet campsite, a stressed-out hornet leader calls out for his son while turning up the place, looking under every rock and in every nest for his son. He even stirs awake one of his members out of panic.

Hornet Leader: Wake up! How can ya sleep when my boy's missing!

Dazed Hornet: What's he missing, boss?

Hornet Leader: No, he's missing! I can't find him anywhere! He must've snuck out last night! Everybody up! And I mean everybody! I want my boy back!

All the hornets are riled up and spread out, calling out for the leader's son desperately as they all search for him. Meanwhile, Maya, Willy and Y/N continue their own search for other bugs, in the hopes of getting some directions.

Willy: Maya, I'm hungry again...

Maya: But we've got to find Flip!

Y/N: Besides, we just ate up a couple minutes ago. You'll last.

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now