Chapter 1

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Y/N = Your Name

E/C = Eye Color

B/C = Body Color

Another peaceful day had begun in the fields of Poppy Meadow. With the sun shining bright up in the sea of blue skies and fluffy clouds, many of the bugs and insects of the meadow began their daily routines. One of these bugs, however, continued to nap away.

In the midst of a bed of flowers, curled up underneath a sturdy purple flower and snoring lightly was a B/C crane fly still sound asleep. And from the looks of it, he didn't seem to be waking up any time soon. Even as a few other insects fly over him, with their wings creating a loud buzzing hum, it would only cause the dozing crane fly to loosely grab his leaf and pull it more over his head before letting his arm slump back down onto the moss-covered ground.

Y/N: Too early...Zzzz...

Further into the meadow, however, a large hive was brimming with activity. And even further inside said hive was a young, excitable bee who was stirring awake in her honeycomb cell. In contrast to the crane fly fellow, this little bee was ready to start the day.

???: Hello? What is this place?

Upon seeing a shadow move across her comb's wall, she becomes further intrigued and breaks her cell open. Now free and able to see two adult bees at work patching up other combs and carrying literal flower jars, she giggles. This alerts the brown-haired bee, who turns in surprise.

???: Hello!

Kassandra: Ooh! Be patient, little buzzer! It's still too early.

As the brown-haired bee, named Kassandra, gently tries to push the young bee back into her nest, the latter is too excited to fully comply.

???: Ooh, but I have to tell you about my dream! There was this big, bright yellow round thing. And all this blue!

This surprises both Kassandra and her co-worker, prompting the latter to interrupt the young bee before she could continue.

Co-worker: Bees don't dream!

???: Why?

The co-worker is stumped by the question, who looks to Kassandra for help. However, the latter looks back just as confused.

Co-worker: Well...they just don't! Now rest. Bees never hatch until the sun rises over the daffodils.

???: Why can't I just do what I want?

Before Kassandra could answer, her partner interrupts in pure shock.

Co-worker: A bee do what she wants!?

She nearly faints from the idea of a bee doing as they please, but Kassandra keeps her steady before smiling at the curious child. As she goes to pick her up, the young bee crawls all around her before sitting atop her head, causing Kassandra to laugh softly.

Kassandra: Patience, little bee. There's plenty of time for learning later.

While playing with Kassandra's antenna, the youngling becomes curious once more as she leans forward to look at her caretaker.

???: What's a bee?

Co-worker: A bee is a good little girl who does as she's told!

After the co-worker lifts her off of Kassandra's head, she begins to sing a lullaby to her in order to make her feel sleepy. The tables turn as the young bee starts singing as well, causing the co-worker to doze off instead. Kassandra stops this by scooping her back into her arms, putting a flower jar in the co-worker's arms which snaps her out of her sleep.

Kassandra: That's enough, little one. In ya go!

As the child is put back into her nest, Kassandra walks away to let her nursery friend patch back up the comb.

Co-worker: A bee who does what she wants? Ridiculous!

She's handed more sap, taking it before realizing it was the young bee doing so. She lets out a startled yelp in response.

???: What are we making?

Completely perplexed by how she got out so quickly and without her noticing, the co-worker picks her back up and puts her back into the nest while speaking in a stern tone.

Co-worker: Now listen here! We're not going to tell you again. Go. Back. In.

This prompts the young bee to whine grumpily as her nest is sealed up again, much to the relief of the co-worker.

Co-worker: There! Everything is fine.

As she walks away, however, the undeterred girl breaks out once more. Seeing that the two adults were distracted, she takes the opportunity to sneak out of the nursery as the two talk.

Co-worker: Now, what was her name?

Kassandra: Baby-Bee 396.

With a smile and in a happy tone, she states her true name.

Kassandra: Maya.

Maya the Bee: The Reluctant Guardian (Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat