chapter 1

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Kate POV

"I'm in this because of you..I should have listen to my first mind and left y-."before I could finish he hung up in my face.

Things are getting out of hand ever since that situation with Shannie. I told him not to go after her.
This is how it all started.. Oh yeah my name is Kate Boldwinn by the way.

One night I came home late, but my mom wasn't worried. She pulled me in my room and they had a suitcase.

"Mom are you kicking my out or something."I said looking at her confused.
"No baby I just need you to go and stay with your Auntie Meka for a while that's all." She said in a worried tone then started crying.

"Mom what is the matter... What is wrong."I said then she began to hug me tighter and tighter.
"Baby don't ask any more question is the keys to my car I already call your auntie and told her you were coming... Take this and this." She started to hand me things she never gave to me. She wiped her tears and smile.

She grabbed my face and kissed my forehead.
The only thing is that she only sends me to my auntie when something bad is going to happen.

She zipped up my suitcase and walked me to the car.

"I love you sweetheart."
"I love you to mom."we gave each other what seem to be our last hug. Tears came to my eyes because it feels like this will be my last time seeing her ever.

"Kate I put some money in truck under the wheel it in a duffle bag but it should last you depending on how you spend it."she said then walking back into the house.

"Well I guess that's when I leave." I said to myself.

I got in the car and headed to my Auntie Meka house.
To tell the truth I like going to my auntie's house. She have twins around my age. We're all 16.

Its a boy and a girl. I don't get along with the girl she's so stuck up because she's rich and I'm poor. She blows me to where we had a few run ins with each other.

I beat the shit out her dumb ass,but I see she will never learn.

I pulled up in front of their big house in Texas and took my bags out the car.

I knocked on the door and my favorite cuzin Michael answered.

"Wassup cuzin" he said giving me a tight hug.
"Nothing much just need some help with these bags."
I said looking at the bags on the ground.

He picked up most of them I just grabbed two small ones since he though that he was strong.

"You know Mya is upstairs waiting on you." He said looking at me because he was one of the people that helped me off her.

"Oh really what she's doing in there." I said setting my bags on the side of the steps.
"I don't know the door was locked..just don't get into no fight because you strong as hell." He said laughing.

I walked up the stairs to my room when I seen my Auntie Meka in her office she looked like she was having and important conversation so I just waved.

My room was down the hall. So I was away from everyone else. I opened the door and what I seen made me furious.

"Man get the fuck out my room." I said seeing that Mya was in my bed fucking some boy.

"Girl chill out you should be happy somebody in here anyways."she said getting out of the bed with a bra on.

"Hey I'm Joshua." The boy said getting out my bed with nothing but some Calvin Klein boxers on holding his hand out.

" I could care less of who you are...get out." I was getting so close to punching her in her face she just don't know.

"I'm sorry I thought this was her room I know its disrespectful on your part,but I'm not like that."he said walking out the room grabbing his close.

"Well just know that she does things like this to get under my skin." I said before closing the door but I heard him say something.

"Damn she low down." He said walking down the hall.
I took my sheets downstairs in the wash room and it took me a hour or so to wash and dry everything.

When I started to bring my covers and stuff upstairs Michael came an took it from me and put them on my bed.

"I know what happen when I passed by her room door... She was talking on the phone about it." He said fixing my bed.

"Why do she act like that towards me I don't even do nothing to this bitch." I said getting clothes from out my dresser since I come here a lot I had left clothes and my auntie brought me some.

"I don't prolly cause you look better than here."he said laughing at the fact that I do.

"Well I'm going to take a shower." I said going in the bathroom that was in my room.

"Alright I'm just gone be in here watching TV til you get out." He said sitting at the tip of my bed.

"Mmhmm"I walked in the bathroom and took off my clothes and turned of the hot water. I was in the shower for a good 45 minutes.

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