chapter 5

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Kate POV.

Well my auntie signed me up for sunset high school and I guess its going to be fun.

My best friend well boy friend go there. Its been 2 months now since we've been together. We tell each other everything.

Today is everybody first day. I had a black and white crop top jersey, white ripped jeans, my favorite black sandals and a leather bucket hat.

I was fresh my her was curly and make up was on point all I needed was some jewelry and that's that.

When I was ready I saw everybody eating breakfast and I saw Shannie. Me and her not cool no more every since what she did.

A few weeks ago.

"Kate you want to ride with me and Shannie?"Michael asked putting his plate up.
"No... I'm riding with Joshua."I said looking at him then hearing a horn.

I walked outside and seen Joshua get put the car. I walked up to him. he wanted to match on the first day.

"You ready for the first bae."he said giving me a kiss then opening the door to the car.

"Yeah come on."I said getting in the car and closing the door. He looks so fine today I just want be with him all day just me and him.

When he got in he looked at me and smiled. I grabbed his hand and we headed to the school.

"You ate."He said grabbing my thigh. I just smile then said yeah.

He parked the car outside of the school and we got out and hold hands.

"Bae gimme a kiss."he said looking down at me.
I just gave him a kiss then a girl walked up to us.

"So you got with the new girl before she could enter the school Josh.
I didn't want to get ghetto so early but I had to.

"Why is it your concern??"I said looking her up and down. She rolled her eyes and looked back at him.

"All I know is don't be coming to me when you done with her."She said looking me up and down.

"Now hold up you don't even know her like that so chill out with that bullshit....I been knowing her fo-"before he could finish I interrupted him.

"Chill out bae don't get hot and heated over this bitch she don't know what we do she just let her stay mad with her mad ass." I said pulling him by his hand and walking into the school.

Most of the people lived in my cuzin neighborhood so I already had people to talk to.

We were all in the cafeteria waiting on our schedule. Joshua grabbed me by my waist and we sat at the table with Michael, Mya , Shannie, a new boy named Cole and a girl named Jewel.

Of course I was sitting next to bae. He was feeling on my leg whispering in my ear.

"You coming by me after school.?"he asked in my ear.People were looking at us rolling their eyes and all just don't know..
"Yeah want me to sleep over."I said giving him kiss.

"Alright we don't need y'all having sex in the cafeteria."Michael said looking at us we just laughed.

When they called us for our schedules most of my classes was with him except one. I had that class with Shannie. Ugh.

I met some new people but not that much of dudes because Joshua gets jealous fast. Its cute when he do though.

First period was alright when had math you know I'm good t that. Our class was packed but they had two seats in the front.

Joshua grabbed my butt as we walked to the back of the class then somebody cut us off.
"Where you going?" a boy said looking at me licking his lips.

"Bryan I'll slap the piss out you...let my girl pass...and don't lick yo lips at her."He said grabbing my hands.

"Oh my b bruh I didn't know the lat was you." He said looking at Joshua.

We sat down and everybody was cool I guess Joshua is known here.

Joshua POV.

Man this girl really just came up to us early in the morning. I gotta talk to her put her in her place.

I grabbed Kate thigh to tell her something. I started laughing because it looked like she was going to sleep in class.

"What bae."she said looking at me then laughing at the fact she was almost sleep.

"I love you." I said moving our desk close.

"I love you to bae."she said smiling.

After school was over I brought Kate home so she could get some clothes to sleep.

We walked into the house up to her room.

"Say yo auntie be eyeballing me when I come in here." I said laughing.

"Fr she must like you."she said standing by the dresser.

I was sitting on her bed.

"Oh yeah well tell her I'm taken."I said getting up walking towards her grabbed her from behind kissing her neck. She turned around and looked at me.

"You is something else."she said putting her stuff in a bag and walking in the living room seeing Shannie and Michael making out

She stopped in her tracks and I just grabbed her hand and we left.

When we got in the car it was quite but I didn't care because Imma make talk when we get to my house.

We pulled up to my house. She got out the car and walked to the door.
I walked IP the stairs and opened the door.

My momma was cooking.

"Hey momma!"I said from the living room.

"Hey baby where my girl at.!" she said stirring up pots.

"Hey I'm right here ma!"Kate said walking into the kitchen.

Kate is the only girl my ma like so far. They were talking forever it was going on 8:30.

So I had to cut their conversation short.

"Hey ma we gotta go and study for a test tomorrow." I said looking at Kate. She knew I was lying. Who test on the second day of school.

"See you late ma."she said giving my momma a hug.

"Well alright don't be bumping and grinding up there...unless you have a condom cause I'm not watching no kids."she said looking at mW and Kate.

We couldn't do nothing but laugh.
Kate walked up the stairs before me and opened my room door. My momma gave me the biggest room upstairs she got the big one downstairs so we don't have to worry bout her.

I locked the door and she went to take and bath. I just waited for her.

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