Chapter 8

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Kate Pov.

My auntie wanted to meet me at the park and from the looks of it I feel that it is serious.

I parked my car and walked to where I seen her sitting. She was wearing all black and black sneakers like she was about to do something sneaky. when I got towards her she stood up giving me a hug. I hugged her back even though we are not on good terms.

"So let's make this fast.. What you wanted to tell me that was so important." I said sitting down not knowing where this is going to go.

" Oh yeah while I wanted to tell you about the night your mother was killed." she said looking down at her fingers then looking at me.

Even though we were far away from people I felt like somebody was watching us some how or listening.

"Okay keep going.." I said putting my hands on the table

"Well your moma didn't want me to tell you this but since she isn't here to tell you I will... Your mom was in the drug game but it was with and she was going to snitch them out because of something that happened between them...Your dad got in the whole Daniels dad put a hit out on them...Daniel knew the whole time because well he was the hit man...I knew everything because well your mom told me before she died...she told me that you left and she called your dad to come and protect her for what was going to happen that night.." she said tears were rolling down my face because I've been sleeping with my moms killer this whole time. she kept talking.

"but I could tell you this...your dad wasn't the one who killed your mom he set it all up to make it look the way he forced your dad to shoot your mom but he wouldn't do it so he shot your dad in the head and grand the hand your dad had on the gun and shot your mom." she said as I'm just sitting here taking everything in I just had sex and everything with this nigga and he did all this to me.

"Can I ask you something..." I said scooting closer to her.

"Yeah anything..." she said looking around making her look real suspicious. I looked every where she looked then back at her.

" Can you tell me exactly how you got all that information and detail and kept it to yourself...having me out here sleeping with my moms killer but, wait there's more you waited until I had sex with him and sleep at his house...wait until Michael gets hurt in a car meet every bitch, hoe, slut out the book...then tell me to meet you here to tell me he killed my mom!!!" yelled only loud enough for her to here.

" You can yell you can curse me out all you want I just wanted to help you out before its to late and you end up in a place you don't want to be." she said getting up and leaving to her car. 

                                                      ~4 hours later~

I had to just think about everything I did go to Daniels house til later like around 8:30pm. I walked in his room and he stopped me.

"Where you been??" he said walking up to me.

"Umm I just needed to clear my mind about everything...that's all." I said walking pass him.

"So I don't got a hug or nothing." he said wrapping his arms around me.

" I'm just so tired I wasn't thinking that's all...I was house hunting that's all I cant really stay here." I said turning around looking at him as he just looked at me and laid across the bed.

"Can I ask you something."  he said sitting up looking at me.

"Yeah I guess??" I was kind of worried what he might ask me.

"Well when your mom died how did you feel.??" when he asked me that my body tensed up I felt as if he could be planning something.

"To tell the truth I felt very bad inside to where I didn't want to be around no one." I said looking at him. Then he got up and lifted me up and kissed my neck.

"Well just know your going to be with her sooner or later." I gasped when he said that I didn't know what to do, but ask him something.

"Why would you say something like that." I said trying to get out of his grip.

"Because you never know what I'm capable of...your not leaving me I already told you that so don't be going around to parks and shit talking to people who don't like you...your mine and always will be." he said putting down and pushing me to the bed.

 "As of what I'm looking at you don't look as tired to me baby now take off yo clothes or I'll just take them off." he said hovering over me. Tears falling down my face . I cant believe this is really happening to me.

"Why or you doing this to me...Why me please just let me go please." I said trying to move away from him.

He just laughed as if it was funny he killed the only thing I had.

"you are really funny if you think I'm going to let you leave were my see if I didn't kill your mom and dad that night my dad was going to kill all of you and I made a chose to save yo ass and be nice to you until you went to the park and found out everything...oh and another thing.." he said before getting up.

"what...what you going to do now huh." I said sitting up looking at him turn around drinking liquor straight.

"you decide because obviously your little auntie has a big either I kill her or your little friend

Michael I mean its your choice I'm giving you 2 days that's it and don't even try to add people in this cause they will just get hurt to you understand." he said placing his drink on the dresser.

  That's when everything became out of control I had to get out of here before I lose people I lose the people I love dearly.

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