Request #1

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This is a request by 0TheProtector0 . :)

Bernadette x Bill

I growl, running the brush through my hair, snagging one too many tangles. Ok, done with the brush. Now, I gotta get dressed.

I turn to my closet, pushing the dresses that my mother gave me to the side.

'Cause lord knows that I've got too many of those. Wait, that rhymes. Cool!'

I throw my hand in there, and pull something out at random. I grabbed a crumpled gray shirt and some black skinny jeans. I stretched the shirt slightly to get rid of the small wrinkles. I finally got a good look at the design. The Eye of Providence with the phrase, "trust no one".

That looks a bit familiar...

Wait, no. Don't think about him, Bern.


Too late.

"Hello, kid!"


I groaned, not looking at him. "Hey, Bill."

"Aw, c'mon, kid," the dorito popped in front of me, almost making me gasp and drop my stuff. Almost. "You know that you missed me."

I roll my eyes, going into the bathroom to change out of my pajamas. "Not really, Cipher."

"What?" His voiced echoed a little from outside the door. "Are you still mad about what happened a while ago?"

I slip the shirt over my head, saying sarcastically, "Mad? Hmm, I don't know. Why on earth would I be mad at the demon that nearly drove me insane?"

I open the door, staring the dream demon down. He actually had the nerve to look sheepish! Well, actually, that's a little weird of him.

"Are you...ok?" I ask, pointing at him slightly.

He stared at me. Not. . . saying. . . a thing. Dangit, he knows that I hate that!!

"Quit your staring, creep!" I yell, punching at him. Which, of course, he dodged by using his powers. Cheater. I sigh, grabbing my school bag. "Whatever. Look, I gotta go. Juniors don't have the luxury to deal with jerks like you."

Bill's eye turned into a slight crescent, supposedly making him look, I dunno, sad? Slowly, he transformed into a human-like appearance, making part of me blush, and the other shiver in fear. He towered a good half-foot above me, his gloved hands fiddling with his bow tie.

He stared at the ground as I walk past him, Bill's bright eye following half a second later.

"You really are mad at me, huh?"

I stop by the door, debating with my subconscious on whether or not I should forgive him.

...Darn my oversized heart!

As quick as I could I pulled the demon down to my height, glaring at him. Before he could say a thing, I pecked my lips against his. I could feel Bill stiffen before slowly wrapping his arms around my waist.

After  about three seconds, I pull away, slipping my backpack over my shoulder.

"See you after school, demon," I mumble, dashing to my car in the garage.

As I lock the door, I felt heat creeping up my neck. Slowly turning the ignition, I look back to my house.

The demon was watching me through the window, a stupid smirk on his face.

...Let's hope that school ends soon, huh?

|Ok, I'm sorry that that request took basically forever. I just have a lot going on, trying to write this story, get through a writer's block on everything else that I'm working on (that I have yet to upload) and trying to do a whole lot of other stuff too. Um... Also, I'm sorry that Bill is OOC. Trust me, I am kicking myself over it. Soooo, anyways, thank you for your patience and I'll upload the next chapter soon. Also, thank you guys for your constant support of this story! Byyyyeee, until my next update(which will probably be an art, heheheheh) |

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