Chapter 11 The Sleepover Part 2

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You shifted uncomfortably under the twins' gaze. One was calculating, untrusting, but a few flickers of...hope? shone in those warm brown orbs. The other, however, was curious, and the bright green hues were unafraid, a thing that you were relieved to see.

Candy and Grenda were watching the staredown between you and the twins, quickly becoming uncomfortable. As Candy stared at you guys, she soon had an idea.

"Hey," she said, catching you and the twins' attention, "why don't we play another game?"

You nodded quickly, tense from the silence.

"What game?" Dipper sighed, slightly resigned.

"Eleven minutes in Luxury," Candy declared. "I don't know exactly what it is, but my cousin says that it's very popular in her teen parties!"

Your eyes were as big as saucers. You remembered your uncle telling you about that game.


"Fine," Dip sighed. "Let's just get it over with."

Mabel pulled the girls over to put something in her top hat. (A/n: eh? Eh?) Grenda tossed a tiny duck plushie in, Candy following by putting in a tootsie roll (don't worry, she still plans to eat it later). What were you going to put in?

Your hand drifted toward your bag, then paused. Did you really want to put in your family heirloom in this old-timey hat?

I guess so. 

Your fingers delicately picked up an old fountain pen, subconsciously rubbing your fingers on the gold engraving. You gently placed the pen in the hat, taking a few steps back.

Mabel shuffled the items in the hat before shoving it in Dipper's face.

"Choose, Bro!"

Rolling his eyes, the brunet boy shoved his hand into the hat, making you wince. Let's hope that he doesn-

"Whose pen is this?"


You tentatively raised your hand, making Mabel smirk a little. After all, she was the one to put the pen on top of everything else.

With an angry gremlin face on Dipper's and your features, Mabel pushed you and her brother in the closet.

"NOW THINK HEAVENLY THOUGHTS!!!" Mabel ordered, locking the closet door, and looking for the next game to play after eleven minutes.

Dipper's POV ->>


I fumed silently, staring into the darkness that was my closet. I shuffled into a sitting position, running my hands across the floor for a flashlight. Crackling paper and a smooth roll was all that I heard, except for (y/n)'s breathing.

"So...." She said, kinda awkwardly. "Um, what are ya doin'?"

I shivered silently. All I can hear is how much she kinda sounds like Gideon.

"Trying to find a flashlight," I say, a little short.


I heard her ruffling with the sheets, and pull something out.

"Here." The smooth barrel of the flashlight fit into my palm.

"Haha! Yes!" I place my hand over it, to soften the glare, and flicked the switch. Wait, is that a piece of-

"WAAAAAHH!" (Y/n) screamed, seeing my now overgrown hand.

"Dangit, not again!"

I switched the crystal, and shrunk my hand back down. I rip it off, and smash it with the heel of my foot.

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